having viper problems

  • Thread starter muller
im having some problems with my dodge viper, i won a few races with another car, and early model silvia, and got enough money for the viper so i bought it cause it has got all the top end speed i need. but if the taco reaches 0 where ive had to slam the breaks on it wont go past 1, i have to do a handbreaky to get goin. it cant be turbo lag cause it dosent have one so can anyone suggest what the problem may be???:irked:
My advice is to tune it up. This will not necessarily make it faster but more stable and it will respond better (improved handling)
My advice is play sunday cup many times untill you have enough money to buy a special model (you'll need a little patience) then drive the high speed competition. You can make loads of bucks.
HE DOESN'T NEED TUNING..MY Viper was exactly like that too..But I've never lost a race with it.....E braking the rear end into the walls and you shouldn't drop to 0 on the tack unless you HOLD the ebrake down....All you need to do is feint and ebrake so you spin into the wall and you bounce off at about 30mph
Are you driving with an autogearbox or manual.
If its auto, you need to get a brake balancer and raise the rear brakes to lock the tyres and the 'box should put the clutch in (you can tell by the fact the gear number selected goes darker), then swing sharply into the corner, get it sideways and lift off the brakes the squeexe the throttle and be prepared to steer into the slide.

If its manual, then you need to change down earlier an force the 'box to put the automatic-clutch in, which will raise the revs and then let the clutch out when you've slowed down.

Other wise, just slow down 'too early' then power through the corner but try to avoid understeer which will make you run wide.