How is this possible?

  • Thread starter SVPSkins
United Kingdom
Wilmslow, Cheshire
I've just been online doing an Online Adventure XP and something dodgy seemed to be going on with 3 players. All were from the same club, all were using the same Car (Ferrari 330 P4) and all three were driving like idiots, yet they manage to out score everyone else by a good 80,000 XP (rest were scoring between 25k-30k XP. How exactly is the possible?

Edit: Also forgot to add, all three joined with only 2 event left.
Club members earn a bonus for racing together.

I know p4s are racecars, but they were probably a drift club. I'll also assume the times you witnessed them "driving like idiots", you were actually messing up their tandems...

I usually place high in adventures, even though I finish close to last in races. That's because I'm using a wheel and can't keep up with pad users who slide around every corner. BUT my draft, and clean racing xp goes through the roof, although I never get drift xp.

So either they were a tandem club, or a realistic cruise club. Respect to those guys though either way
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As annoying as it is, skill chains get you more XP than winning races so some players just drift their way to the finish so they can win the event without even having to race.
I'll also assume the times you witnessed them "driving like idiots", you were actually messing up their tandems...

To be honest, they were not drifting around but forcing people off track and not braking at turns and ramming into people. Thats what i mean by driving like idiots.