How to change wheel rotation?

  • Thread starter doctorrg
Gold Coast
I seem to have an issue with my wheel in Forza 5. Only bought a cheap wheel for now, the Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider, and everything is working as expected in Horizon 2. To note is that the wheel has a 270 degree rotation, and that's what it says in Horizon 2.

Now, in Forza 5 it says 240, and I simply can't corner, as the tires only move that far. 90 degree corners are impossible to get around.

Any ideas here how to fix this?

Edit: Hmm, just re-checked, and it actually has a 240 degree rotation, as it states in Forza 5, not a 270 degree rotation. So it's actually wrong in Horizon 2. But, it does work absolutely fine in Horizon 2, it does not work in Forza 5.

Edit 2: Looks like it's just a bad wheel for Forza 5, though working nicely for Horizon 2. I can get around the corners if I take it easy and don't turn the wheel more than about 30 degrees. :banghead:
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I seem to have an issue with my wheel in Forza 5. Only bought a cheap wheel for now, the Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider, and everything is working as expected in Horizon 2. To note is that the wheel has a 270 degree rotation, and that's what it says in Horizon 2.

Now, in Forza 5 it says 240, and I simply can't corner, as the tires only move that far. 90 degree corners are impossible to get around.

Any ideas here how to fix this?

Edit: Hmm, just re-checked, and it actually has a 240 degree rotation, as it states in Forza 5, not a 270 degree rotation. So it's actually wrong in Horizon 2. But, it does work absolutely fine in Horizon 2, it does not work in Forza 5.

Edit 2: Looks like it's just a bad wheel for Forza 5, though working nicely for Horizon 2. I can get around the corners if I take it easy and don't turn the wheel more than about 30 degrees. :banghead:

It seems as you already know this but wheel roation can be changed under Forza Profile---> Controller, there you need to hit X to go to the advanced menu.

So when you are there it only shows 240 because that is the maximum your wheel allows, right? I'm a bit confused I thought that should do the job since the wheel itself has only 240 degrees. That gives you a 1:1 ratio. Have you tried unplugging the wheel and plugging it back and all that?

Here's a video on how to change all these settings but they are showing a TX wheel.

It seems as you already know this but wheel roation can be changed under Forza Profile---> Controller, there you need to hit X to go to the advanced menu.

So when you are there it only shows 240 because that is the maximum your wheel allows, right? I'm a bit confused I thought that should do the job since the wheel itself has only 240 degrees. That gives you a 1:1 ratio. Have you tried unplugging the wheel and plugging it back and all that?

Yes, it shows 240, but it doesn't seem to do the job. If I come into a 90 degree corner with any kind of speed I only get about the first 30 degrees of response, if I turn the wheel any further, it feels like the wheels lock up and I am going straight from then on. The only way I can get tight corners is if I really slow down to almost standing, and then rotate the wheel about 30 degrees and slowly drive around it.

Thanks for the video, I'll have a look at it when I've got some more time, maybe there's still some setting I seem to be neglecting. The 240 rotation setting is fixed, though.
It seems you may have some firmware issues. Have you updated the Firmware for the Thrustmaster?? Is this a new problem, has the wheel been doing ok before??..I own a Thrustmaster TX and had to do an update before I could use it. After the update I even had a issue with Forza Horizon 2. My wheel felt like it was set to 1800 % instead of 900%. Meaning I would have to turn my wheel a complete 180% for it to make a simple 90% corner IN GAME. I had to do a system reboot to clear the cache and it started working better. Have you tried this??
It seems you may have some firmware issues. Have you updated the Firmware for the Thrustmaster?? Is this a new problem, has the wheel been doing ok before??..I own a Thrustmaster TX and had to do an update before I could use it. After the update I even had a issue with Forza Horizon 2. My wheel felt like it was set to 1800 % instead of 900%. Meaning I would have to turn my wheel a complete 180% for it to make a simple 90% corner IN GAME. I had to do a system reboot to clear the cache and it started working better. Have you tried this??

I could not find any firmware update for my wheel. I did go through a complete reboot process. I've also adjusted the wheel sensitivity as recommended for Forza 5 and while it did help a lot it still doesn't feel quite right, and cornering is a real chore. It feels a lot more intuitive in Horizon 2.
I could not find any firmware update for my wheel. I did go through a complete reboot process. I've also adjusted the wheel sensitivity as recommended for Forza 5 and while it did help a lot it still doesn't feel quite right, and cornering is a real chore. It feels a lot more intuitive in Horizon 2.
Well I dont know what to tell you then....In Forza 5 my Thrustmaster was perfect. But in Horizon 2 is where I had problems....
Well I dont know what to tell you then....In Forza 5 my Thrustmaster was perfect. But in Horizon 2 is where I had problems....

Actually, since I recalibrated my wheel for Forza 5 (or attempted to) and even though I've changed back the sensitivity settings, I now seem to be having the same problems in Horizon 2. :ouch: Can't corner as smoothly anymore as before, and actually have to make use of the handbrake to get around sharp turns. I slowly start to think that that's just what you get for cheaping out on a wheel. I mean, 240 degrees, what was I thinking? :dunce:
Actually, since I recalibrated my wheel for Forza 5 (or attempted to) and even though I've changed back the sensitivity settings, I now seem to be having the same problems in Horizon 2. :ouch: Can't corner as smoothly anymore as before, and actually have to make use of the handbrake to get around sharp turns. I slowly start to think that that's just what you get for cheaping out on a wheel. I mean, 240 degrees, what was I thinking? :dunce:

I can't blame you for trying not to spend much on a wheel, prices are ridiculous. There is no reason why Thrustmaster can't release something similar to the DFGT by Logitech. I got that for a little bit over 100 dollars and has 900 degrees of rotation plus some nice FFB, for the price it is a bargain. By the way I just realized you are from Australia as well, if you ever decide to go for a Thrustmaster TX don't get it from Amazon since they run at 110V. I ordered one since they didn't specify that anywhere on the ad and I had to waste a lot of time returning the item and getting a refund.
I was thinking of getting a TX from the US a while back, but then bought the 458 Spider. Thanks for the info.

Edit: Stupid wheel. Broke it earlier today. Must've gone a little too hard into a corner, and clack, something on the inside must've come off. I've got full 360 degree rotation now. :ouch: It constantly drops out now. In the middle of a race, and bang, controller disconnected. Just pressing A doesn't work either, wheel doesn't work anymore. Only way to get it back for a short while is to unplug it, plug it back in, and then I can press A. Haven't figured out what makes it disconnect. If it was something particular I could try to avoid it, as it is, it's not really usable anymore. :( Looks like I need to get myself another wheel.
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Sorry to hear that....Can you return it from where you got it from??

I would hope that kind of thing is covered under warranty, but even if I send it in for warranty repair, I'd be without a wheel for a while. :(
I would hope that kind of thing is covered under warranty, but even if I send it in for warranty repair, I'd be without a wheel for a while. :(
Well maybe it was a good thing that it broke...and you can get one with 900% rotation
Well maybe it was a good thing that it broke...and you can get one with 900% rotation

Was considering the Thrustmaster TX, but eventually decided against it. Have read too many bad stories about it, and am not too happy with my Thrustmaster wheel either. Seeing Fanatec is going to bring some wheels to the Xbox One, even though there's no ETA, I'm going to wait a little longer before I fork out hundreds of dollars for a new wheel.

Just today set up my Wireless Speed Wheel to work with my Xbox One, which will tide me over until I get my 458 Spider back (better get that warranty process going now), and that one will then have to tide me over until there is a wheel I'm happy to spend hundreds of dollars on.

Decision made.

Edit: While I can't wait to get my wheel back for Horizon 2, as far as FM5 is concerned my Wireless Speed Wheel (360 Wheel mapped to a controller with a crossover device) works an awful lot better than my wheel ever did. It may restrict me to driving Auto (shifting with it is just too hard), but it lets me corner an awful lot better. I doubt very much I'll be switching back in FM5. For the first time I've actually started to have fun playing FM5. :)
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