How to quicken the time of reducing SVG size in Inkscape

United States
United States
Hi! I'm new here and new to livery editing in general, and I've been wondering if I can make a change by quickening the process of decreasing my SVG file's size. I know about the website where I've had nearly 30% of the size decreased. But is there anything else? I know to optimize the nodes, but when I ungroup a SVG file, there's multiple layers that sometimes are just the same thing. Is it possible to instead of changing individually each object's nodes, do everything in one big group?
If you're autotracing it's almost unavoidable that you'll have to do quite a bit of work to tidy the file up. I can't offer anything more constructive than saying practice will make you quicker at doing it, and avoid autotracing stuff you might me able to draw yourself. Autotraced SVG's are never very efficient.