How to Tune GTPSP Gears (CFW Required)

  • Thread starter GTCr@zyPSP


So we've been Hybriding cars in GTPSP for a while now, and when you up the HP to really take advantage of the new power the gears need to be adjusted. So far we've been using the final drive gear up until this point to increase the top speed of the cars but this is not as good as a properly tuned gearbox. This requires CFW and a cheat engine, I use CWCheat.

I'm going to explain the gearing in GTPSP in a little more depth to help out my fellow Hybriders.


This is an extension of the How To Hybrid. You need to know how to hybrid cars to understand whats going to be explained.

How To Hybrid GTPSP

The "GAS" or Gear Auto Setting code is really the final drive gear. There is no "auto setting" in GT PSP unfortunately, it would make small tuning much easier.

What is What

146B340 - 0x0XXX0XXX = 1st / Reverse
146B344 - 0x0XXX0XXX = 3rd / 2nd
146B348 - 0x0XXX0XXX = 5th / 4th
146B34C - 0x0XXX0XXX = 7th / 6th
146B350 - 0x0XXX0XXX = nothing of importance
146B354 - 0x0XXX0XXX = nothing of importance
146B358 - 0x0XXX0XXX = auto or manual / final drive gear

146BXXX - 0x0XXX0XXX These zeros we use as spacers between gears and this value must always be 0. They are actually there so that each gear has the place for an up to 4 digit HEX value, You wont see this anywhere except for the Final Drive, anything above 4.095:1 will use 4 digits, so we just use them as spacers for the actual gears.


340 = 0x08F20C26 = 1st / Reverse

8F2 = 1st gear
C26 = Reverse gear

This is in HEX format

In DEC format it becomes

1st gear = 8F2 = 2290 = 2.29:1

Reverse = C26 = 3110 = 3.11:1


I will take the Gearbox codes for the ZR1 and break it down to the actual gear ratios.

340 = 0x08F20C26 2290/3110
344 = 0x04BA064A 1210/1610
348 = 0x032A03E8 810/1000
34C = 0x0000029E /670
350 = 0x00000000
354 = 0x00000000
358 = 0x00000DC5 /3525

1st = 2.29:1
2nd = 1.61:1
3rd = 1.21:1
4th = 1:1
5th = .81:1
6th = .67:1
FD = 3.525:1
Reverse = 3.11:1

How to Adjust

We are going to adjust first gear in our example

340 = 0x08F20C26

1st gear = 8F2 = 2290 = 2.29:1

We are going to change first gear from 2.29:1 to 3.41:1.

To do so we need the HEX value for our new gear ratio..

3.41:1 = 3410

Input 3410 into your calculator in DEC format, then switch it to HEX format.

3410 = D52

Replace the 8F2 with D52 then move on to the next gear, when your done Save and apply the code following the instructions to apply hybrid codes found Here

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