IGN review of demo

  • Thread starter Fritter7
Posted by: ORGAniSM91: polyphony shud take a note from turn 10

If anything, they should take notes from Eutechnyx on force feedback detail. GT's FFB still has nothing on SCC.
I'm going to hazard an educated guess and say that most of the people that commented on the IGN review have never played a GT game before, and instead have been playing "sims" such as NFS/Forza.

Why? Well, if you haven't played a GT game before, the physics will strike you as odd and potentially "rubbish" as some of those comments mention, because it's quite different to the likes of Forza and Need for Speed (I bought Shift - big mistake - and the physics in that, compared to Prologue and this demo, is an absolute joke, far too arcady; I imagine Forza is somewhere in the middle).

If you've played a previous GT game - 4 and Prologue especially - you know what to expect and you know how the cars are going to handle. If you haven't, you have no idea what to expect, and more often than not you won't like it as it's closer to a true sim (read: rFactor, LFS, GTR, iRacing etc on PC) than pretty much everything else out there. Unfamiliarity breeds contempt.

indeed, you pump up the gas, you car gets to 120 Mph and its completely stale, lifeless as you said, you get absolutely no sense of speed at all, thanks for pointing that out, I knew there was something else bothering me about the demo, but I couldn't put my finger on it, and that's exactly it.
Sure beats OTT motion blur that means you can't see where you're going (I'm looking at you, EA)...

WARNING, I REPEAT WARNING Do NOT play FORZA 3 for at least 1 month prior to trying out the GT5 Demo. At a sexy, smooth 60fps, and gorgeous backgrounds FORZA 3 makes this already meh looking GT5 Demo look downright AWFUL.
FM3 fanboy. :lol:
Great review. But don't scroll down to the comments. Lots of people complaining as usual. :rolleyes:

I should have followed this advice :yuck: Too many random fanboys in the comments. Why else would Forza fanboys be searching out articles about a GT5 demo unless they were afraid of the competition? (I can understand reading about the final game, but a demo when you are clearly biased against it? I bet half these people don't have PS3s)
Don't go and read the FM3 review then, that's also full of (Forza) fanboys :/ At the risk of sounding like a (GT) fanboy myself, Forza and Halo are the two franchises I'd consider getting a 360 for.

People don't seem to grasp the concept that both FM and GT can successfully and peacefully co-exist in the same market. The review was impartial; the comments, far from it.
Don't go and read the FM3 review then, that's also full of (Forza) fanboys :/ At the risk of sounding like a (GT) fanboy myself, Forza and Halo are the two franchises I'd consider getting a 360 for.

People don't seem to grasp the concept that both FM and GT can successfully and peacefully co-exist in the same market. The review was impartial; the comments, far from it.

Maybe in a perfect world, Sorry to say, But here and now Sadly, Fanboyism practically drives the market for the Devs IMO, Basically The devs create the game, The fanboys Hype and or OVER HYPE!!11! it to every one they know, using the internet as one huge booster seat/advertiesment.

Bigger the game,Bigger the HYPE, Bigger the fanbase/boys, Bigger the sales.
Maybe in a perfect world, Sorry to say, But here and now Sadly, Fanboyism practically drives the market for the Devs IMO, Basically The devs create the game, The fanboys Hype and or OVER HYPE!!11! it to every one they know, using the internet as one huge booster seat/advertiesment.

Bigger the game,Bigger the HYPE, Bigger the fanbase/boys, Bigger the sales.

If I could, this'd get a +1.

Why can't we just calmly get along? (Rhetorical question)
Because fighting if more fun, we can't put our e-egos aside...and Internet=serious business.
Not to mention I imagine a lot of people out there have never tried fiddling with the settings, so they probably aren't used to Pro physics and ASM off if they have been playing previous GT's. At least I come across a lot of people who have never tried driving in the game without aids, and they are always amazed at how much faster they can be without them.
The comments were taxing to read... some truly pathetic people. I just can't wait for GT5 to come out. I respect Forza but I'm sorry.. it's gonna look like a racing game demo from 2006 next to GT5. And while the fanboys will still spew their verbal poop everywhere they will know who's king heh.

Then all you'll hear is "YA WELL IT TOOK 6 YEARS THO" and "NO TIRE MARKS ON TEH RODE" and then some danage quantity/quality remarks.
Some people over here are probably going to be all over me for this, but IMO the comments below the interview are rather similar to what some of the GT-fanboys are posting about Forza over here at GTP (without ever having played it of course ;)). Fanboys are everywhere, unfortunately. :P

Good review BTW. 👍
I think this bodes well for when IGN actually reviews the game because the get the "point" of it all. A site like Destructoid will say "I don't get it, its not fun, blah blah blah". When it comes down to it the physics are THE MOST important thing in a racing sim. Everything else is secondary. I think the reviews for GT5 will be very split. Some will hail it has the most amazing racing game to hit consoles, while others will not even get the point of GT5 thus fail to accurately asses its parts.
Some people over here are probably going to be all over me for this, but IMO the comments below the interview are rather similar to what some of the GT-fanboys are posting about Forza over here at GTP (without ever having played it of course ;)).

Hehe i see what you mean. But i have played both, and the guys on here are right for the most part. You have to give FM3 and Turn10 a lot of credit for their fantastic game, but GT is in a different league. On balance, Forza 3 is the sort of game that should sell well past 5 million copies in it's lifetime, but there are so many (very simple) flaws that limit the gameplay. I hate it when Forza fans give GT no credit at all, and seem to only go off Dan Greenawalt's comments at E3 (Least i think it was E3).
I read it earlier this morning and was pleased to see that they feel the same way I do in regards to the physics. PD have done good work here, its sad to see how people have failed to notice this. The main mission was to showcase improved physics and they have accomplished just that with flying colors as far as I am concerned. Dying to get out of work so I can get home!!
The kids commenting on IGN: first, did not read the article. Second, don't know a thing about driving and the physics involved.