.ini site idea.

I was just wondering if I made a new website if it would be useful. My idea is that people make there own hybrids then they can send me the .ini file and I will have a site for each seperate car, like a diff. one for the Viper and then another one for the Speed 12. I would have a site for every car. So tell me if you think its a good idea and you would submit your .ini's and if you would use it. Also please tell me one free place you think it would be good to create a site like this. If I get enough positive comments then I will start the site tonight. And also a name for the site.
i anwserd this on the other bord. but i would love to see a site like that and if you need help building it or any thing let me know i would be more than happy to help u get that done.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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