iNuke DSP Buttkicker Advanced Tuning/Procedures

United States
United States
After a lot of searching around the net, I have finally ended up here at gtplanet and I hope this is a very on-topic post for this forum.

Bit of history for anyone in the same situation as myself...
I essentially started with a poor man's tactile feedback setup for gaming. I had a couple AuraSound AST-2B-4 bolted to the bottom of my office chair powered by a Dayton Audio APA150 150W in bridged mode with the speakers wired in a series. Crossover set to 50hz and I have been using this to game for 3 years. It provides an excellent level of tactile feedback and really brings games to life. So move forward a few years and I replace my office chair with another chair that is much more solidly made. Vibrations don't pass through this chair nearly as well. ALSO, I picked up Elite Dangerous. So I was in my new chair, with the old AuraSound's in ED and thinking wow...I need more punch. I should also mention I'm using philips fidelio x2 headphones which are really awesome.

So now I'm in research mode and scour the net for information. I come up with my new setup which is currently an iNuke 1000DSP (I have already decided to update to the 3000DSP) with 2 ButtKicker Advance BK4-4 bolted to the bottom of this chair. The iNuke is in bridge mode with the advanced run in a series. So now I'm attempting to tackle this beast and learn how to get the most out of it. All my searching lead me to this forum where I see a ton of info listed. My main goal is to understand the iNuke settings and how tactile feedback works in general. I downloaded Room EQ Wizard and pulled up the RTA Window so I can watch the ingame sounds and see where the punch is needed.

So...I've tried messing with the Para EQ settings a bit but I fear I'm a bit of a novice so I wanted to know if anyone could point me to some getting started settings? Any advice on where to cross over and advice on how to shape the signal a bit would be much appreciated. If I go by Mr Latte's advice I should probably slap some clark synthesis to my office chair and split the upper range. ;)

If I'm missing an obvious thread please let me know...I'm still searching and reading in the forums. Thank you.