Is it impossible to trail brake in GT2?

  • Thread starter QUAKE
United States
United States
I've been replaying GT1 and GT2 on a ps1 with negcon controller, specifically the ultraracer

I thought that having one of the analog buttons as brake and trigger as gas would allow me to have analog brake and gas at the same time.

However, I hooked it up to a PC and the adapter I used showed that both gas and brake were on the same axis I/II
However L is Z rotation through this adapter

Will I have a separate brake if I bind it to the analog L instead, will I then be able to trail brake?

How does a real ps1 read the inputs?
Update: I realised that the replays have gas/brake in them in GT2, and either I/II or L works for braking. You can, in fact brake and gas at the same time in GT2.

This is an advantage over using the up/down on analog stick as gas/brake method.
I mean, by default you use X and Square for brake and throttle, so what's to stop you from pressing them at once?
True, but buttons are all or nothing.

By the way, there's no analog hand brake support in GT2 (or any gran turismo?) I tried binding handbrake to one of the analog buttons and it shows as all or nothing
True, but buttons are all or nothing.
Depends on the piece of hardware you are using.
DualShock 2 and 3 had pressure sensitive buttons main buttons, but the only game I remember that made use of this feature was Zone of the Enders: the 2nd Runner.
Every PS2 and PS3 GT game supports pressure sentivity for all pressure sensitive buttons.
PS1 games don't.
Analog values are restricted to steering, brake, and throttle. You can trail brake i assume if you can set throttle and brake on 2 different joysticks. Since the playstation consoles were using direct input, throttle and brakes isn't one axis, but 2 different analog inputs. Handbrake is digital and only on-off. I'd expect it's still the case today, unless maybe the PS4-5 titles started supporting them.

Also the PS1 games's analog inputs are a lot less precise than anything that came after. Don't expect a result that feels anything like GT3 and up in terms of smoothness.
Throttle and Brake have 16 steps while steering is something like possily 256 values or whatever, not something i bothered to actually count lol.
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negcon feels a lot smoother than gt3 with pressure sensitive buttons, but i prefer gt3 with wheel.

sadly gt3 doesnt support gegcon :(
Every PS2 and PS3 GT game supports pressure sentivity for all pressure sensitive buttons.
PS1 games don't.
Analog values are restricted to steering, brake, and throttle. You can trail brake i assume if you can set throttle and brake on 2 different joysticks. Since the playstation consoles were using direct input, throttle and brakes isn't one axis, but 2 different analog inputs. Handbrake is digital and only on-off. I'd expect it's still the case today, unless maybe the PS4-5 titles started supporting them.

Also the PS1 games's analog inputs are a lot less precise than anything that came after. Don't expect a result that feels anything like GT3 and up in terms of smoothness.
Throttle and Brake have 16 steps while steering is something like possily 256 values or whatever, not something i bothered to actually count lol.
PS3 Gts had analog handbrake.

In GT1/GT2 i use X for throttle and R2 for braking.
Similarly i was using right stick UP for throttle and R2 for braking in PS3 era Gran Turismos (both analogue sensitive, allowing driving without ABS and sorta trailbrake too)
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