Is talking weed innapropriate ?

  • Thread starter Shottah072
Yesterday i came across this thread:

Originally OP also asked about smoking weed while playing GT and the effects on driving. So i answered i smoke weed most of the time when i play GT and what my experience was on the driving effect.

A few minutes later and i am suprised to see a alert come up stating my post got deleted, given reason:Literally the least appropriate way to do this.

Now i was uncertain why my post was considered literally the least innapropriate so i posted again something by the same lines. It got deleted again though. Posted again that if we cant discuss the subject might as well close the thread. That got deleted as wel, and thats when i noticed the OP also got edited and the weed question was removed.

So my best guess is we cant talk weed or drugs on this forum. If that is the case that is fine of course. But i went trough the policy and it stated nothing about drugs at all. Best explanation i could find for my posts needing deleting was this.
  • You will not use the forums to violate any laws nor to discuss illegal activities.
If discussing using weed is considered discussing illegal activities then i get it now. It is legal where i am from, and thats why i didnt think my post was that innapropriate at all, but i know thats not the case in most places.

I just opened this thread to get some clarification on this matter. The moderator was not really clear about why my post was considered innapropriate and his name didnt show so i couldnt ask him about it. Sorry if this post is also considered innapropriate, i am not trying to be. Delete it if you guys dont like it and send me the clarificaition trough DM if that is the case.
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It's probably due to the fact that it isn't legal everywhere as you mentioned and also there's the younger age groups that visit GTP, It's not really what they should come here to read about tbh... You definitely aren't going to be the only weed smoker who races GT! but to save you being shown the error of your ways by the Angelic people who habitat Internet forums It's probably best to keep it to yourself away from those who really have no need to know about your herbal appreciation ;)👍

... now where did I put my rizlas? :P
I will never understand why growing a natural plant and then setting it on fire raises such a stink. Oh the self righteous ones who actually did request to be born.

My attitude aside, this is a privately ran site and being such every rule and idea enforced or promoted is at the owners discretion. I appreciate that a great deal tbh.

Happy new year GTP :cheers:
My attitude aside, this is a privately ran site and being such every rule and idea enforced or promoted is at the owners discretion. I appreciate that a great deal tbh.
Yes of course and i respect that. Thats also why i went trough the policy again to see if i did anything wrong. If it is not allowed i wont mention it again. I guess it is probably a cultural difference as well as there is no taboo on it over here.

I also get your point @Mr P about young ones. But then again alcohol seemed fine but is also not for kids is it.
A few minutes later and i am suprised to see a alert come up stating my post got deleted, given reason:Literally the least appropriate way to do this.
That message was not attached to your post about smoking weed. It was attached to your post asking why your previous post was deleted. And a second one complaining about that one too.

Posting to ask why a post was deleted in the same thread as the one your post was deleted from isn't appropriate - moderation isn't a topic for public discussion in random threads (or anywhere, really; moderation should, in the main, be between a member and the staff body), and you're giving the staff more work clearing up your additional post. Or posts, in your case.

The moderator was not really clear about why my post was considered innapropriate and his name didnt show so i couldnt ask him about it.
The main forum has a list of staff currently online. You can contact any of us. We're largely interchangeable.
It's probably due to the fact that it isn't legal everywhere as you mentioned and also there's the younger age groups that visit GTP, It's not really what they should come here to read about tbh...
That pretty much covers it.

There's a time and a place. We have well-developed threads discussing drugs and drug legalisation in our opinions forum. There's no real need to discuss it in GT Sport forums. To be honest there's no real need to discuss drink-gaming either but at least that's legal in most jurisdictions - including the physical location of GTPlanet's servers and staff - while Mary-Jane isn't.
That message was not attached to your post about smoking weed. It was attached to your post asking why your previous post was deleted. And a second one complaining about that one too.

Posting to ask why a post was deleted in the same thread as the one your post was deleted from isn't appropriate - moderation isn't a topic for public discussion in random threads (or anywhere, really; moderation should, in the main, be between a member and the staff body), and you're giving the staff more work clearing up your additional post. Or posts, in your case.
Then i dont think i got a delete reason for the first one, hence why i posted again. You are right though trying to discuss in the thread was not very tactical of me. Wanted to contact the mod but was not sure how cause their name didnt show.
The main forum has a list of staff currently online. You can contact any of us. We're largely interchangeable.
I see now, thanks. Ill contact the mods this way if ever needed in the future.

That pretty much covers it.

There's a time and a place. We have well-developed threads discussing drugs and drug legalisation in our opinions forum. There's no real need to discuss it in GT Sport forums. To be honest there's no real need to discuss drink-gaming either but at least that's legal in most jurisdictions - including the physical location of GTPlanet's servers and staff - while Mary-Jane isn't.
Ok no problem. I just thought it could be fun talking about driving under influence out of the safety of a sim instead of the dangers on the road. What substance does what to your driving and what not. Actually thought about opening a thread on it myself before. Oh well ill just leave it at this then. Thanks for the reply ! And a happy new years eve ! :cheers: