Kylotonn Games Working on the Next Test Drive Unlimited?

This is good..... I'm ready for a new TDU game to compete with forza... I feel like TDU3 could be better than forza. The premise is amazing. To this day I still spend time playing tdu2 on my PC with many mods and enjoying the tropical scenery of Oahu and foreign scenery of Ibiza :)
This is good..... I'm ready for a new TDU game to compete with forza... I feel like TDU3 could be better than forza. The premise is amazing. To this day I still spend time playing tdu2 on my PC with many mods and enjoying the tropical scenery of Oahu and foreign scenery of Ibiza :)

TDU3 at best will be a niche driving game title not made to compete with heavy hitters like the Horizon games, and that is just fine with me. They are likely not going to have the budget that FH4 had so why run a race you cannot win? I just want them to build the best game they can (within their means) while staying true to the TDU formula. That would equal a success to me.
TDU3 at best will be a niche driving game title not made to compete with heavy hitters like the Horizon games, and that is just fine with me. They are likely not going to have the budget that FH4 had so why run a race you cannot win? I just want them to build the best game they can (within their means) while staying true to the TDU formula. That would equal a success to me.
this makes alot sense especially with tdu having not been on the scene since 2011ish... I want the same too now, for them to make the best game they can without breaking the budget. who knows it might just be a hit game! though unlikely since racing games is a niche genre as it is
I've been thinking more about that 'reddit leak' today. I think it's mostly likely completely fake. The number one thing in question for me is the location, I just don't think it is South America, Brazil, and that is because TDU games have always featured an Island location (Oahu, Ibiza). I just don't see anything that really matches what the reddit post is claiming about the location, the Falkland Islands but I don't see that either. I would almost be leaning towards a location in Japan or perhaps a Mediterranean island like Mallorca. Or maybe they stick with Hawaii and add Kona this time since it's larger than Oahu, it's really anyone guess.
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