Lari's drift video

  • Thread starter Lari
Its great to see you handling your DS2 so well.. It really didn't seems like its on DS2, too smooth. For me, i will never be able to do that on a DS2. But i guess you must have got alot of practise on it! Keep it up...

Looking forward for your next video.
if they have used the analog stick, then you can get some very very smooth action just takes one hell of a stedy hand and a grippy thumb.

i tryed using the stick got about 2 corners out of it before i got wound up and started using the direction buttons
Thank's for the comments! The controlling isn't really that smooth. I think that the low resolution just makes it look a little more smoother. I didn't use the analog stick. I tried driving with the stick one day but I felt so weird that I couldn't drive it longer than 10 seconds. I'm glad you liked the video! I try to make another video when I have more time.
I liked it, the only thing I would suggest brightening it a bit, was hard to watch when it was so dark. Very good composition, and cool amount of cars.
Drifting Toyota GT-ONE?! Wow, I like you jsut for that only reason. Come see my gallery of drifitng LeMans :D.
I love the way things work out in drifitng.

Once you have mastered the learning tecniques and cars, you move on into more exciting prototypes with different features.

Keep it up.