Learning to drive Manual, need help

  • Thread starter Mmiles33
Focusing on the tachometer? Practice listening to the pitch of the engine. When you rev the engine to redline (or whatever your shift point is), take note of what it sounds like. Briefly humming along might help. Then you can shift up whenever you hear the engine rise to that pitch.
Well, I gather Mmiles' problem occurs mostly in downshifting. Maybe too many things to do with your hands at once if using a controller. Depends upon how you map the buttons, if you're downshifting with the right hand and braking with the left trigger, seems like it should be okay, or at least a matter of practice.

Shifting up is easy. The main problem I've encountered when gearing down is occasionally shifting down all the way to 1st instead of 2nd, which depending upon the game, suddenly breaks traction in the rear, violently spinning the car.

My advice is to play with a wheel if you can, it makes changing gears very easy.
MisterToad, hit the problem on the head. I live in a small apartment so i don't have room for wheel. It's only my 2nd day trying to learn manual anyways. So I might be able to get used to it with time. I would still apreciate any good tips.
Well, Wolfe's trick for upshifting also applies to down shifting. Start with the slower E-D class cars as things come at you more gradually. Hit your braking zone, and then when the engine is getting down to, say, 2000 RPM or so, hit the downshift button. (Ideally, the point where you downshift is the point where you've fallen outside of the powerband plus have the RPM headroom to afford a downshift, but we can worry about that a little later.) Another good trick is to listen to how racecars downshift in braking zones so you can mimic it. Pull up some youtube on-board videos and have a listen. That's what your downshifts should sound like.

Ideally you'd never look at the tach when playing, except perhaps when learning a new car. Your ears should be all you need to know what the drivetrain is doing.
MisterToad, hit the problem on the head. I live in a small apartment so i don't have room for wheel. It's only my 2nd day trying to learn manual anyways. So I might be able to get used to it with time. I would still apreciate any good tips.

I had the same problem when I started driving manual on a controller. I now have a wheel and yes it is totally different, very easy. Any way a good thing could be to just practice on free run with a slow car, say a Honda Fit or something slower and just have fun, try to do it until you are not thinking about it then try to go to faster cars or ones with 7 gears to practice a bit more... i hope it helps, it will be natural after a couple of days. Good luck, have fun!
It took me until Forza 2 to learn to shift manually on console. The Forza setting of X and B for up and down makes it much easier than other games, where it might be on the analogue stick or shoulder buttons.

When braking, I go down the gears, lift the throttle to mimic engine braking between each one and brake at the same time. Works ok for me, but I'm not a pro racer in these games.
Like VXR said remap the control so that X is downshift, A is clutch and B is upshift. I had the clutch thing figured out on control in 30 mins. Watching my buddies try and play it's always downshifting way to high in the powerband, that throws them off.