Looking for a story co-author

Central Coast,
Hello. My name is (as you can see) granturismite. i am a fan of the website, and have joined because i have an idea for a race story.

I would like to ask for any volunteers to help me write a decent race story.

I have an idea, apexing (yes, its a pun) around the 24 hueres de la mans, specifically about the '03 race, where Bentley ended the Audi R8 dominace.

it builds up from minor LMP races, or perhaps the driver/main character gets picked up from a lesser known enduro events.

as a tertiary school student, i don't have the time i would like to dedicate, to this, and as, such, am looking for help, and also a partner to bounce ideas off.

if you would like to help me, reply or private message me,
Or, if you want to use this idea for yourself, please ask me first. (i don't like plagiarism, said the person who takes ideas from real life)

any plot suggestions are welcome too!
Hey man, I've been pondering various ideas on Gran Turismo stories down the years, and I've never been able to get them down on my own. If you like, we can bounce some ideas around, and see if we can come up with something?
I apologise in advance. I really don't have much time between semesters due to recently starting tertiary education.

I can do a little, but I really can't do very much at all, until about June/July

If you want to run with it, I hand over to you