Looking for friends to play non-hotwheels race with.

The title pretty much sums it up: I'm looking for friends to play Forza Horizon 3 with, but if I play Hotwheels on Forza Horizon 3 my console will go crazy and start freezing non-stop until I delete my save-file. Luckily, I can still use the expansion's DLC cars without crashing.

I just... well... I have three conditions though.

1. I can't play all the time, or I wanna have some time to play Solo mode.

2. Just, please don't make fun of my cars' liveries. It's overly cute and I copy it to all my cars until I've reached the 350 liveries max.

3. Not going overboard with bad language.

I'll respect the rules on my end for the others cars, their solo time and the language too.

My online gamertag is Chris Lebleu. Thanks in advance guys!