Looking for group to drift with

  • Thread starter tearaw1337
United States
United States
hey guys
im trying to get back in to gt 6 drifting an looking for a group/club/clan w/e of people to drift with generally at night pst. mainly just trying to find people to bounce ideas off of and people to just generally improve and chill with and generally have a good time.

psn is tearaw1337 if anyone is down.
hey guys
im trying to get back in to gt 6 drifting an looking for a group/club/clan w/e of people to drift with generally at night pst. mainly just trying to find people to bounce ideas off of and people to just generally improve and chill with and generally have a good time.

psn is tearaw1337 if anyone is down.
Yeah dude idk if ur still on this forum but I just got back into it aswell so I'm down if ur keen