Making my own anime decal - how hard can it be?

United States
United States
For an itasha livery that i've been wanting to make since i bought GT Sport, i needed a decal (or set of decals) of Fumio Murakami (a.k.a Matsix's VRChat model) from GirlFriend Kari. Since the Japanese players might not have heard of her, i decided to create the decals myself because i thought it'd be simple as that. (it wasn't)

I tried to follow this method:
but that didn't work because my head hurts and Inkscape doesn't have it's own document format that i can save in.

I tried vectorizer but that didn't work because the result is weird.

I even tried to split the image into parts via Photoshop but that didn't work because only the legs made it under 15kb (like WOW! honestly!)

Don't even bother asking me about Illustrator because Adobe likes to be cyber-Gucci or something

I need help, honestly.

Image references (one of them was meant for the bonnet but the bonnet scoop may say otherwise):
1508582138012_r5a97f6x.png profile_67.png
Probably it's too late to answer, but I've only seen this thread today.

I use Inkscape to make my anime decals, and you can save files with its own document format which it's "Inkscape SVG".

It's definitively not easy to make anime character decals, because it requires quite a amount of time to make them, but, with enough pratice you can get the hang of it. Also, depending of the complexity of the original illustration, you might have to split the decal into diferent pieces because of the 15kb file size limit.