Massive stability issues

Am I the only one experiencing massive stability issues with GT7 on a PS4 at the moment ?

When i try to log in I am getting the E-CE210610 error in 4 out of 5 attempts and once i successfully logged in after a couple of failed log ins, the game stalls/breaks down after only one race...then again I need 4-5 attempts to even log in again...

My Internet connection can not be the problem, it is stable and quick and everything else with my connection just works perfect, so this has to be either a PS4 or a GT7 issue...

Does anybody know, what's the problem there ?
My Internet connection can not be the problem
It definitely can be, regardless of how stable or quick (wide) it is, or how well everything else works.

Have you tried the steps in the pinned Connection Issues thread?

Edit: The ISP you used for that post has some interesting history with throttling, P2P blocking, and traffic shaping measures, and some run-ins with EU communications regulators...
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It definitely can be, regardless of how stable or quick (wide) it is, or how well everything else works.

Have you tried the steps in the pinned Connection Issues thread?

Edit: The ISP you used for that post has some interesting history with throttling, P2P blocking, and traffic shaping measures, and some run-ins with EU communications regulators...
Interesting edit, because I posted that from my home where I use a pretty standard I-net connection from a standard commercial I-net provider...

I have a wired-in connection, so step 1 doesn't help and I will have to dig into step 2 if those problems will continue...
I am just a little bit afraid, by doing so, I probably will ruin more than i will fix, because I am not very skillful when it comes to those kind of things(just reading the first three paragraphs makes my head spin...)

I still hope that these are just short term problems, since I have been playing GT7 since the start without any major issues like that happen before...
I am just a little bit afraid, by doing so, I probably will ruin more than i will fix, because I am not very skillful when it comes to those kind of things
Don't worry, it's pretty basic router stuff. Some ISP-supplied routers do lock down some settings though.
Don't worry, it's pretty basic router stuff. Some ISP-supplied routers do lock down some settings though.
Basic router stuff is already something close to rocket science for me...

Here is a quote from step 2:
" Best way to check is to look at the router's own IP address, printed on the back of it."
And before that, you mention that this address usually is something like "192.168.0.[any number from 2-255]"

But on my router it says something which is nothing at all like 192.168.0.[any number from 2-255]...
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Probably best not to post your router's default IP address openly...

But yes, that's the IP address of your router - I've just checked and it matches the one your ISP supplies. So you can just procede from there and use that number instead of the "usually something like" one I posted.
Probably best not to post your router's default IP address openly...

But yes, that's the IP address of your router - I've just checked and it matches the one your ISP supplies. So you can just procede from there and use that number instead of the "usually something like" one I posted.
Thanks for deleting my number...

But I guess that shows, how stupid I am, when it comes to that things... ;)
Am I the only one experiencing massive stability issues with GT7 on a PS4 at the moment ?

When i try to log in I am getting the E-CE210610 error in 4 out of 5 attempts and once i successfully logged in after a couple of failed log ins, the game stalls/breaks down after only one race...then again I need 4-5 attempts to even log in again...

My Internet connection can not be the problem, it is stable and quick and everything else with my connection just works perfect, so this has to be either a PS4 or a GT7 issue...

Does anybody know, what's the problem there ?
You did know there was a major cellphone /internet outage yesterday?

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