Master licenses: problem with the ghost......

  • Thread starter samsaoule
JPaul Telboise
I like to have the ghost of the demonstration in front of me, either to see its trajectories, its braking points and to give me the right rhythm to get the gold.....

But no matter how many times I set it to 0.4 seconds in front of me, after 2 or 3 tries, it starts up beside me and is of no use to me.....

Do you have a trick to remedy this problem or are you in the same situation....😡😡
No....I don't believe it ......
don't tell me I'm the only one with this problem......:confused::confused:
or you don't have a solution.....

Well, time for bed.....we'll see tomorrow... 😃
I don't find that I do better when using the demonstration ghost, instead I display my personal best ghost and try to beat it little by little. At least I know what lines I took, where I got on the brakes, what gear I was in, etc.
I don't find that I do better when using the demonstration ghost, instead I display my personal best ghost and try to beat it little by little. At least I know what lines I took, where I got on the brakes, what gear I was in, etc.
Thanks for the reply, but that's not the problem.....

I, too, sometimes put my best lap in ghost and even sometimes both with the demo, the problem is that they start at my height and are of no use to me since I can't see them........when they should be in front at 0.3 or 0.4 seconds.....

they do it 2/3 times and then it starts again....and even if you quit and come back to the game, it starts again...

I just want to know if you're in the same situation or not......

if so, it's still annoying.......

Translated with (free version)
I have never encountered this problem. And I have never heard of it before. Maybe your installation is just weirdly broken. It is hard to believe though that everything else works fine but somehow this specific feature got corrupted.

As dumb as it sounds but maybe deleting and reinstalling the game might help.

And just to be perfectly clear: you set the ghost to 0.4 seconds ahead. It works for 2 or 3 laps and then at some point at the start of the lap it isn't ahead anymore but besides you just like when you put the ghost settings at 0.0? Some users had suggested that you may just have caught up with your ghost over the course of a lap but you mean at the start of a new lap right?

Did you check whether the setting was still at 0.4 like you set it? Did it reset itself back to 0.0 or is your setting still there?

Have you tried setting at something huge like 2.0 seconds ahead? Does it still happen?

That's a truly bizarre error.
yes, I've already tried all that.....but it's not in the TTs that it bothers me.....that's why I called this thread "Master licenses"...

it's especially in the "Master Licences", since you have to start from the beginning after each try.....

as I say, 3 or 4 times, the ghost is 0.4 ahead, but on the 5th try, for example, it starts next to me and is of no use to me....

I can't believe I'm the only one in this situation.....:confused::confused:🤔🤔😅
Yeah doesn't happen to me. Always stays at the offset.

Used to, but that happened to everyone and they patched it.
Interesting that it got patched out. Maybe something went wrong with that update for @samsaoule and somehow it didn't break the game and also didn't trigger some kind of error correction or automatic check if everything went right.

Or is there somehow a way to not update the game and still be able to play? Updates are automatic right?

Anyways, this would be another indication that a fresh install might fix it. Or if at all possible then a reinstall of that particular update but I doubt that that's possible.
I too have this problem. I have the ghost at 0.7 seconds as I want to have a feel of my distance from it, but still want to see the track clearly. Have never paid attention to how many restarts I get until the problem presents itself and usually press R3 to turn the ghost off for that run. The other issue that occurs with the ghost is it starts either next to or behind you and then drives the first sector super fast to get the required gap in front of you. Never noticed if it is only in license tests, thought it happened everywhere in single player.