Most important monitor specs?

  • Thread starter Ske


PzR Ske
About to upgrade my old monitor, looking for some advice/experiences.

I've settled on 32" 16:9 as I'll mostly be playing on console for now (Xone S and next gen).
Also a consideration is that some PC games will only run on the primary display (*cough* pcars2), so I'd have to mirror my current 1080p as I'm using the same PC for work/misc...

Obviously some specs will conflict with others (resolution vs refresh rate, for one) - so I have to prioritize.
Currently leaning towards a curved 4k VA panel, but also pondering faster 1080p/1440p options.
  • HDR - worth it for sim racing, or is it just for replay eye candy?
  • Curved - good, bad, irrelevant?
  • 4k vs 120+hz - I assume the refresh rate would be wasted on console?
  • Is 1080p even an option at ~ 90cm/3ft (rig mounted)?
  • Anything I forgot?
I would not get a 1080P non-HDR display if I was planning on keeping it into the next gen where we can expect UHD to be the minimum native resolution of every game along with HDR. Curved is great for racing as you are typically always sitting in the middle.

You should consider response time of the monitor in your decision. A laggy display will be irritating - not quite so critical for racing games though but really noticeable in FPS or fighting games.
You should consider response time of the monitor in your decision. A laggy display will be irritating - not quite so critical for racing games though but really noticeable in FPS or fighting games.

I do check reviews specifically to avoid "VA smear" (Most of the panels in this category are ~4ms VA units).

The combination UHD/HDR/curved seems pretty damn rare though... out of those I suppose curved would be the least important factor - or I could opt for 1440p (although I cant be sure PS5 will support that)