Motegi is now 400 Points

  • Thread starter DuckRacer



Hey everyone. After some back and forth with our marketing folks, I've managed to convince all parties to lower the price of our upcoming DLC track Twin Ring Motegi to 400 MS points.

I just want you guys to know that the main impetus for this is directly related to the feedback we received here on the forums - particularly the concern that 600 MS points ($7.50) requires the user to purchase a block of 1000 MS points ($12.50) from Live Marketplace, whereas 400 MS points ($5.00) only requires the user to buy a 500 MS point package ($6.25) from Marketplace.

All in all, seeing as Motegi is the first DLC track we've ever done, going through this discussion has been educational for everyone. As I've said before, the goal of DLC isn't so much a revenue generator (production costs usually far outweigh your return) but it's more of a way to keep the community engaged in your game. We wanted to make sure that we keep our eye on that goal.

Twin Ring Motegi (which includes 4 ribbons) will go live on Marketplace this Friday (10/26/07) at 9AM GMT worldwide. Motegi should show up in our scoreboard section on sometime today, and if you got the FM2 auto-update this morning, you should be able to see it in-game as well.

We're also going to launch a comprehensive Motegi track guide to go with the release at the end of today or early tomorrow morning. Look for it!

Thanks, and happy racing!

It was previously going to be 600 points.

Well, at least we know bitching on the internet works! 👍
400 MS points ($5.00)

Which gives for gamers living in Europe, where a 2,100 points card costs 24.99 € : 4.76 €.
And since 1 € = $1.439, european gamers will actually pay that track $6.85.
Got it earlier today, I really like it! I've played the full circuit and speedway with the R10 and CGT and it flows very well. Definitely not worth 600 points though :)
Honestly, 400 points / 5 $/EUR for one single track ( oval doesn't count and the other two are just shorter parts of the long track ) is not acceptable imo. Why ? I got like 15 tracks and 200 cars for 60 $. Add the fact that in this case they don't have to develop a graphic engine / game modes / etc. All they do is using the same tools we already payed for as we bought the game.

This means : I'd pay 5 EUR for 2 different tracks and 10-20 new cars. Or 4 tracks and no cars. Or 1000 points for 5 tracks and 25 cars. That would be fair prizes. This is a ripoff if you ask me.

Not to mention the fact that you can only have fun on this new track if you drive either a 207 RC or a Salleen, otherwise you end up at the end of the grid anyway... ;)
I did not buy it because it's still expensive for me. I agree with Max_DC that 1 track for 5$ is a lot. I even played it on GT4 and it was average but maybe I'll buy it but I saw a lot of people played it recently.
That's still way to expensive for the content it offers, at the most it should be 200 points. Whatever, I don't really care about tracks, I just want some more cars to screw around with, the last pack was a little on the weak side.
I bought Motegi and the car pack last night, and they were a waste of money. The tracks aren't integrated into the game at all, other than some time attack and free runs, wii. The cars are all meh. I'm not buying any more tracks until I decide to go Live, or car packs unless they include something actually cool.

These are only useful if you intend to race much online, and that has to wait till I get my wheel fixed. I'm much more interested in Gran Turismo now anyway.
I honestly won't be buying. Between PGR4 and Halo 3, my time has been taken up completely... Throw in Mass Effect and COD4 in the coming weeks, and well, I don't care much for Forza anymore. I do need to re-do some of my old cars (after losing the HDD in the console swap), particularly my Mercedes and the Bentley, but other than that, I'm not too worried about it.
200 points too expensive still.

500 points is $6. That means 200 points is around $2-3. That'd be a d*mn good price concerning regular DLC costs for games.

I won't be buying though because I simply don't play the game much anymore. It's just not fun to drive anymore. PGR4 has spoiled me....
Pure extortion! I won't be purchasing this. The original number of tracks was pitiful. Why we should pay extra for something that should've been in the game already is beyond me. But with PGR4, Halo and Orange Box now in my collection it's not really an issue anyway.
Would it be pointless to hope for some dlc that might extend the singleplayer game a bit? Like an expansion pack type thing, or is it just gonna be like 1 car here or 1 car there pretty much constantly nickle and diming for the odd track or car.
Would it have been that hard to incorporate the track and cars into the single player game it all? So now if I want to race on them its a single player free run. The time i get to spend gaming is kinda limited so racing on a track that won't help advance my single campaign has been a waste of money. The support for FM2 is becoming very disappointing.
Usually I don't care about replay but would it have been that hard to include a replay feature in Test drive/free run?
Man FM2 is turning out to be a dud...

MICROSOFT SUCKS! now listen to my song ♪let's go, tsuke yuki no ose♪

MICROSOFT SUCKS! now listen to my song ♪let's go, tsuke yuki no ose♪


Um get it right, k? It is either Micro$oft, Microshaft or Micropoo if you want to stiff the man and show Bill Gates who's boss.
I think Forza is more geared towards the online crowd. I just got my XBOX back from Microsoft and got the DLC package the other night.

Personally, I like FM2 because I can race my brother at night while he is away at school. While the graphics and physics may not be on par to some other games, I think it is a good supplement to hold me over until I can find the time and money for a PS3. Yes, I would agree that the 400Cr may be kind of steep but If you race on-line quite a bit and were tired of the old tracks then I think it is worth it.

So far I have got all of the DLC content except for the Peugeot race car but I honestly, I only have one game for the 360 and that is Forza 2. I plan on getting a few more later on but If im not spending money on other games then I guess I can constitute spending money on updating one.