Multiple Vinyl Sets On Each Car?

  • Thread starter Robin


United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This is driving me nuts, how do you have multiple user created vinyl sets on one car? Theres that thing that says store vinyl packages but how do you load from them? Surely you don't need another car for every different vinyl style you create!

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When you go to the Vinyl Packages where all the pre-made ones are, just scroll down and you'll see the custom vinyl you saved.
When you go to the Vinyl Packages where all the pre-made ones are, just scroll down and you'll see the custom vinyl you saved.

Oh right, I get it now! Slightly counterintuitive though! I suppose 3 slots per car is reasonable.


I think it's only 3 slots overall not 3 per car. I just keep my complicated/best vinyls somewhere on some car anyway then save it if i want to transfer it to another car.
Thanks for the help guys, I see that this has become is own individual thread now so hopefully it will help others when they get the game.

Just wondering, can someone confirm whether its 3 slots per car or 3 slots total... if its the latter then Dragonistic's method is probably the best way to go.

Thanks for the help guys, I see that this has become is own individual thread now so hopefully it will help others when they get the game.

Just wondering, can someone confirm whether its 3 slots per car or 3 slots total... if its the latter then Dragonistic's method is probably the best way to go.


It's only 3 custom vinyls total.
I have another question... well 2 questions.. :)

1. How do you mirror stuff properly on to the other side of your car? If you mark all and copy them across they are in reverse and if you use the scale trick to try to make them normal they end up upside down! :grumpy:

2. Is there anyway of just copying a selection of vinyls from one side to another rather than just only having 'mark all' as an option? Like copying 6 out of the 12 vinyls on one side for example without having to copy them one by one.


I have another question... well 2 questions.. :)

1. How do you mirror stuff properly on to the other side of your car? If you mark all and copy them across they are in reverse and if you use the scale trick to try to make them normal they end up upside down! :grumpy:

2. Is there anyway of just copying a selection of vinyls from one side to another rather than just only having 'mark all' as an option? Like copying 6 out of the 12 vinyls on one side for example without having to copy them one by one.



I'm having the same problem here!
I just wanna copy the whole side vinyls and mirror them onto the opposite side but ended up making them all reverse. :grumpy:
There's no real way around it, so what I do is copy the whole lot over, then flip each bit individually by copying the backwards one AGAIN of each piece, turning it round and matching it to the shape of the backwards one, then deleting the backwards one. Of course for long text this is more difficult but still possible, it falls out of sync with certain letters so I normally just use the start and end letter in this way then fill in the gaps as I don't change my font size on my writing mid-word :lol:

This one was a particularly skillful copy, each letter of the URL is individual and the car has over 100 layers in total (including front, rear, top and both sides.)

Thanks for the reply :)

Man that sucks that you have to manually do it :indiff:, Ive been having to do text the same way... copy it across and flip and move every individual letter. It would have taken literaly no effort for Rockstar to add a mirror tool like Forza has.

I guess you can't also do the second thing I asked about (multiple copy rather than copy all)?

Hit L3 to 'mark' one layer and then hit L3 to unmark, you can mark as many as you like (or mark all then individually unmark the ones you dont want to copy over).