My controller is secreting some sort of liquid...

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GTP_event / kevinr6287 (farming account)
My left analog stick has some sort of clear liquid all over the round part of the base of the stick. It is clear, slimy, and odorless liquid. It is not too viscous, either. Anyone know what it is? I just picked up my controller and it was there. I hadn't touched it for hours. Last time I was playing (yesterday) the liquid was there also.

I hope my controller isn't dying! My cat chewed through the cord of my other one and San Andreas is coming out in 2 days!! :banghead: I don't want to spen MORE money...
I have a problem where when I shake my controller I can hear stuff in there moving around, and sometimes one of my L or R buttons gets all the junk and it jams so I have to shake it to press it.

I have a problem where when I shake my controller I can hear stuff in there moving around, and sometimes one of my L or R buttons gets all the junk and it jams so I have to shake it to press it.


My old controller did the exact same thing....after I got frustrated and through the controller onto the ground.:lol: I should probably think before I act next time....:dunce:
yah i am having problems to, my analog cuts in and out and i cannot afford to buy a new one i am a little short for san andreas n need to borrow money, so im screwed if i need a new one n e time soon
That's why there needs to be a warning on the packaging....... It should say something like this:

*WARNING - If you have a girlfriend. It is recomended that you hide your controller. The vibrate function can be addictive*

Seriously. It's probably one of the motors. It'll be that oil that's used in those types of motors.
Either that or someone has been playing too much BMXxX. ;)

You guys aren't keeping your controlers in warm-hot conditions are you? Or using them for loonnnggg periods of time? Could be they are over heating and melting glue or stuff.

I get some white 'powder' under my analogue sticks but I'm pretty sure it is just dust.
Viper Zero
You guys might want to wash your hands before you start playing on your PS2...
This liquid is not coming form my hands. I just wole up and LOOKED at my controller and the liquid is back. I even wiped it off last night. It is still there...

That's why there needs to be a warning on the packaging....... It should say something like this:

*WARNING - If you have a girlfriend. It is recomended that you hide your controller. The vibrate function can be addictive*

Seriously. It's probably one of the motors. It'll be that oil that's used in those types of motors.

If you're implying what I think you are implying, you, sir, are one sick sonuvab*tch. The liquid is clear

Either that or someone has been playing too much BMXxX.

You guys aren't keeping your controlers in warm-hot conditions are you? Or using them for loonnnggg periods of time? Could be they are over heating and melting glue or stuff.

I get some white 'powder' under my analogue sticks but I'm pretty sure it is just dust.
You, sir, are also disgusting.

For one thing, I am the only one with the lactation of the analog problem, here. Everyone else is just makiing fools of themselves. So you shouldn't address all of them, only me with ou suggestion of the melting glue. My room isn't evry hot or humid, and I play for an hour at a time max (that will change drastically with SA ;)). I don't think that is whats happening. I think some grease is leaking some grease from the analog sensors. That is not good. 2 controllers lost in 1 month... :indiff: I think I might be buying the PStwo on tuesday with SA, though. My PS2 is old. The CD tray takes a while to extend and the contacts in the back for the AV cable are bent or something, I ahve to jiggle it in order to get Video AND audio. 👎

Also, the white powder is normal. Just plastic shavings from the controller because of the large amouts of usage. You shouldve seen my friends N64 controller joystick. Reminded me of christmas.
I think the liquid might be some sort of lubricant leaking out of the controller, maybe for the analog stick, if it even has lubricant. Just an educated guess.

And isn't there a guy on GTP who is a peripheral guru who would probably be able to solve this problem? Or am I thinking of someone else on another forum?
All the things that you lot have said so far sound worrying! :lol:

My controllers are fine...apart from white dust that occurs from the wearing away of the plastic analog sticks...
Sorry EH. I don't know if I p!ssed you off or not? But womens..... Err..... Juices can be clear too. I'm just messing with you man. You've got to admit, it is sort of funny. :lol:👍

The powdery ****. Yep that'll be flakes of plastic, where there has been a fair bit of rubbing. Eg The analogue sticks.

The liquid. To find the source of that, you'll probably have to dismantle the DS2. You'll probably find that one, If not both. Engines that make the vibrations are on their last legs. They'll be letting that **** out.

I used to get that powdery ****, but from throwing my DS2 at so many different objects. It's gone into a position where it can't rub. Ultimately it fixed itself.
i get the plastic shavings especially after long gaming stints of gt3 and my L2 button doesnt work on either of my controllers and all the rest of the shoulder buttons press in every once in a while and get stuck and i get the ratling in my controllers what the hell is up with this?
Did you ever take apart your controller, 213101? I took apart of my old controllers and the L2 and R2 buttons don't work...

Off topic, Do you know R32GTST/M personally? you're both from auckland.
Event Horizon
My left analog stick has some sort of clear liquid all over the round part of the base of the stick. It is clear, slimy, and odorless liquid. It is not too viscous, either. Anyone know what it is? I just picked up my controller and it was there. I hadn't touched it for hours. Last time I was playing (yesterday) the liquid was there also.
Do you have a brother?? :lol:
quote from Something About Mary "Is that..hairgel"? :lol:
Event Horizon
If you're implying what I think you are implying, you, sir, are one sick sonuvab*tch. The liquid is clear
Hey. So if you found a female..... Using your DS2 to...... Get herself off. Would you be disgusted? F00k I'd hope that I had a camera with me.

Anyways. Is it still doing it? If it is that motor oil, then you better hope that it doesn't cease up on you.
Event Horizon
Did you ever take apart your controller, 213101? I took apart of my old controllers and the L2 and R2 buttons don't work...

I pull my PS2 controller apart quite abit to clean it and it still works fine.
Hey. So if you found a female..... Using your DS2 to...... Get herself off. Would you be disgusted? F00k I'd hope that I had a camera with me.
I would grab the camera and enjoy the show but we should try to stay on topic. ;) :lol:
Event Horizon
Did you ever take apart your controller, 213101? I took apart of my old controllers and the L2 and R2 buttons don't work...

Off topic, Do you know R32GTST/M personally? you're both from auckland.

no i dont. i will find out who this is.
I've taken apart my DS2 multiple times and it still works :indiff:

213101 - Have you heard of a place called Te Aroha?

Te Aroha i think so is it near Wellsford/Te Hana? if so your close to me.

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