my PS2...

  • Thread starter MazKid


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Staff Emeritus
Well this sucks! My PS2 won't play any of the Blue or Black discs! All it will play is the DVD formatted games(GT3 and GTA3 work(good)), but it won't play Playstation or Playstation 2 formatted colored discs.

So I give Sony a ring, and the guy answers. So I tell him whats wrong, and he tries to put on the usual stuff like "how do you clean the discs?" and all those stupid questions(which I answered right)and it ends up, if I want it fixed, I have to send it to them(the guy is sending me an E-mail with the info)and normally it would cost $119, but he's waving the cost cause it won't play the official PS2 matieral. The $119 I figure is if it doesn't play anything, or if you are a retard and spill a soda on it or drop it(which I do none of because I value my precious PS2(I need it around for GT4)and virtually all of my stuff).

Ohh and that dreaded question, "Do you use any game enhancements like Gameshark?" which I cooly answered "Yes I do use Gameshark but it does not plug into the PS2, and it's a PS2 formatted disc, it's made directly for the PS2." and that ended that...

So after I go on vacation(I'm leaving monday July 22 and will be back Friday the 26th)my PS2 will take a cross country trip to SCEA in Cali, and for a picture of where it's going, look in M5Power's thread, I got an arial pic of the Playstation center.

Anyone else have this problem?
my ps2 did the same thing, so i called sony and they told me the same thing... so i decided to open it up and look for the prob... i opened it and looked,moved some wires and touched some ****, i couldnt find anything wrong with it, so i closed my ps2 and it actually started workin properly again... sometimes i get the occasional Disc Read Error with the blue discs,so i just reload it and it usually works, but not allways but other than that it has been fine
well, for the longest time, it would struggle with Gameshark stuff, but after a bit of restarting, it would work. Now for some reason, it won't play anything exept DVD formatted stuff. It won't even read CDs...

I thought about taking it apart, but I better not. Every time I take something of increased value apart, something goes wrong and it's screwed up forever. I'm good with mechanical stuff, I just have some really bad luck...

So now, I can't hybrid anymore...atleast till I send it in after vacation. Shipping is going to suck...

But I told the guy, "Why pay $119 to get it fixed, and then the shipping, when you could buy a brand new one for $199?" and he just said "That's why I'm waving the cost" So hopefully, It'll only cost me shipping...I wonder if they will give me one of those color cases...hmm...probably not.

And they give me a 90-day warrenty after they fix it.
yo,you can fix,this,it did it to me like two days ago,take the expansion slot cover off and blow it with a air compressor,and open the **** tray turn the power off (not standby) and blow some air there for a bit,you will have your problem fixed,and well its mostly dust,its the problem,i cover my ps2 after play and still,dust still manages to get into the system,just try blowing it out with a air compressor,that should solve that :)
It's not dust, and I doubt that it's a scratched lens. It plays the DVD formatted games, so it's something else that's wrong.

And blowing 200MPH air into an electrical device doesn't sound like a good idea...

I, on a regular basis, blow through the grills, the tray, the expansion bay(which I took the cover off a long time ago to help with cooling(cause my PS2 gets really hot...))and the fan(why the hell did they put the mesh over the fan? It just clogs up...).

I also use a lens cleaner disc fairly often, and that fixed the problem for a while, but now my PS2 won't play it...

It's probably a processor problem...
well, I got an E-mail from Sony with the details of how to send in my PS2...they gave me a special service number so that they don't charge me for the repair...I didn't realize that thier service center is in Michigan, which is a ton closer to me than Cali...

It will only cost me shipping!

And they said that if they find that I tampered, spilled something on my PS2, or that the PS2 is infested(!!) that I have to pay for me my PS2 is in the best of condition!

I will be sending it off right after vacation, and it takes 15-20 days for the service...
You're going to take your PS2 to the shop and they're going to blow "200 mph" air into it to fix it. Try using a can of compressed air from Radio Shack, that's what it's made for.
First off, I already got my PS2 back yesterday, and they replaced the laser and the tray, only cost me $12 shipping, the rest was free, and it's perfect. And Don't try to say that they didn't do anything cause they did, and I got a new 90 day warrenty, and I'm happy.

P.S., read the date of the thread, everything was already done.
the reason you don't want to use a compressor is because moisture builds up inside. If you do, make sure to flush it first. I'd buy a 3 dollar can of PC spray. It's the easiest and safest.
well, again, everything is fixed, and I would rather Sony deal with it then I try to use something on it that screws it up. I didn't even know my tray was broken, and they put in a new one. They put in a new laser, and they cleaned the whole thing. It's better than new now, and I got a new warrenty. It's perfect. It was only gone for a week too when they said that it would be 20 days.
VC, Give Sony a ring, and tell them what it's doing, and don't say anything dumb. Eventually, the guy will tell you that an E-mail is being sent and that they will wave the cost. Follow the directions in the E-mail, pack up your PS2, and ship it to them. Bout a week or so later you should have it back with a new 90-day warrenty...
Originally posted by MazKid
VC, Give Sony a ring, and tell them what it's doing, and don't say anything dumb. Eventually, the guy will tell you that an E-mail is being sent and that they will wave the cost. Follow the directions in the E-mail, pack up your PS2, and ship it to them. Bout a week or so later you should have it back with a new 90-day warrenty...

How much money you think it will be? :confused:

It sucks bad because I own 10 PS2 games, 9 of which are DVD-Rom games. :(
Well, if they wave the cost, the repair and parts are free, all you have to pay for is shipping, and I paid $12 for all of the shipping it should only cost you 12 dollars, whereas a non-waved repair is $119 for parts and labor.

You might have to lie a bit, but if you play the phone game right, you will get your repair waved like me.
That happened to my ps2 and I can't play PTO IV, Supercar Street Challenge, Top Gear Dare Devil, and many other games! AAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! I asked the guys at best buy and they said all you can do is buy a new ps2 and I'm like, "I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY!" So now my blue-back games are just rotting on the shelf.