My Trip to Ronda (IRL and GT6)

  • Thread starter VXR


United Kingdom
Plymouth, UK
Last Monday (June 20th) I was fortunate enough to drive to Ronda whilst on holiday in the Malaga area. As well as enjoying the town centre, I took a walk down a steep trail to get in front of the bridge and see it in all its glory. I also tried to mimic the angles of a couple pics I took in GT6 a few weeks prior, without actually having them to hand. The GT6 rendition is pretty close, but not exact.

Hope you all enjoy these shots. They're edited in Snapseed on my iPad. I really wish I'd taken a Canon DSLR, rather than my G10, though. The little Ixus with 12x zoom was worse, but useful for telephoto at least.

I was shotgun on the way to Ronda, so here's a crop of the town in the distance. It was bigger than I expected. The mountain road we drove up to get there was truly awe-inspiring.


The whole reason for the trip was to see this up close. What a marvel of 18th century graft.


In the valley beneath, there was this distant, derelict building.


The first shot I attempted to recreate from my GT6 effort was this one. Note the lamp being on the wrong block in GT6 and the background being somewhat more verdant, too.


Unfortunately, my hire car was not this interesting...


I could've spent all day getting this shot but I had family with me and about five minutes tops, so here's the best I could do. It took 42 years to complete, so you can imagine grandfathers, fathers and sons worked on it over that period of time.


My little camera with its 12x optical zoom came in handy.


The second shot, with a well-worn old SEAT, instead of a nice 135i. I was disappointed that the Ronda mural from GT6 was only added to hide a cafe and a ruddy McDonalds, which is next to the tourist office.


So, the GT6 rendition is pretty good, but could've done with better attention to detail. The tourist office is much more expressive in reality than the GT6 version, for instance.

Anyone who finds themselves near Malaga - especially if you're on the coast between there and Marbella - should definitely make the trip. If you take the San Pedro mountain road, you're going to be treated to incredible scenery and great corners.
Well done @VXR 👍 for the awesome comparison and the time taken to get there (with family in tow) and trying to explain it is for 'GT6' on PS3.;)

I love details like this being found (lampost moved and hiding of Mcd's) :P and to see them come to life in a game for millions to place their cars in. That area looks stunning.

Anyone up the top of Matterhorn next? :lol:

p.s With GT Sport having 1000 real life locations that would be a challenge to find them on a map let alone travel to find all those!You have 6 months to prepare :cheers: