No League Racing Club- US timePS4 

  • Thread starter oik01
So you want to have the benefit of a collegial environment, learning to race with the same people on a consistent basis, but can't promise to be there at specific times because you have a job, a family, a relationship, other games, or a need for sleep? This is the answer for you. Just share your psn ID below and add everyone above you by sending a msg simply with PC in the title. once we add enough people, enough people will randomly be online on a consistent enough basis to have races going on regularly. What's more you'l notice that usually you will play with consistently familiar names that tend to be online around the same time as you. so this will end up being a great way to meet similar enthusiasts, have fun, and not be hampered down by specific times and requirements.

So here goes:
My PSN ID: mkreidieh

anyone interested add me and everyone who shared their psn below me---- then share your psn ID as well so that others can add you;)