Noob Question

Hello everyone,

I'm a noob with a noob question: what am I looking at on the steering wheel display for the formula 3 car? I know the gear, RPM, track temp (which I believe is in centigrade but is marked "f" afterward), and position, but specifically what is OT 52 and 1/3 60.0? And what is the chronometer measuring?

Thanks in advance!
Hello there @KCElstun38, welcome to GT Planet. And welcome to Pcars 2 also. ☺

Firstly I think you are referring to the formula C car, not formula 3.

The F display is actually F for fuel and shows the remaining fuel in the tank in litres.
OT is the Oil Temperature. I think it's in °C.
The ⅓ is actually a % sign and shows the brake balance percentage, front to rear.
The timing registers your lap time deltas as you pass over the track sector and finish markers, and I think it references your last lap (not your best).

Hope that helps. 👍
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