Opening a PS3 Blu-Ray Remote

  • Thread starter LostBoyNZ
New Zealand
New Zealand
I wonder if this could be an idea for G25 / G27 cockpit use (or other wheels that don't have the PS3 buttons on them).

Rather than having a PS3 controller near the wheel for when you have to press other buttons, how about somehow making use of a blu-ray remote? If one was opened up, could larger buttons be attached to the cockpit and wired to the remote?

That way we could have all the usual buttons, including directional buttons, from the controller but actually on the cockpit instead.

I don't know much about modding electronics, but what do you think?
Of course it works but why a blu-ray remote? Did you mean bluetooth (aka wireless)? And than why would you go wireless just take a cheep wire controller, open it and do whatever you want. There are some good mods out there:


Just google a little bit for g25 mods and you will find many good ideas.