Paper Clip (karts)

  • Thread starter Lemlek
Uhhh, mind if you put more details (like pictures) of your tracks so that we could see what the track looks like?
I made a .35 mile paper clip with .09 mile long staits best track for people who like short track ovals FUN FUN

That sounds exactly identical to one that was posted around here before. It was a kart track, an oval (paperclip even), and about 0.35 miles in total length. I can't seem to find the topic, though. I tried replicating it for myself but it never would create a similar track for me.

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I've been trying and trying to get a paperclip out of the track editor for months now, and it's just not happening for me. So I'm coming to the forums for help. Can someone give me a track creator formula that may give me a decent martinsville-esque track please. Formulas for any additional NASCAR style tracks would be appreciated as well.
I've never gotten a really good oval. I do have a few tri-ovals that are great fun.

I used the Eifel Kart, 2 segments, 5 width, -5 corner sharpness. Takes alot of tries to get something decent without hills or hairpins.
Anyone have any steps on making the short paperclip that runs counter clockwise? Ive raced a .33 mile or so short online a few times but couldnt get the info on how he made it. The course maker is a struggle for me.