- Reenable brake balance in BoP races ASAP please
- Tuner CHAMPIONSHIPS would be better simulation of actually being contacted to a manufacturer – but it's understandable that not everybody would prefer this aspect. Therefore a choice is recommended.
- Daily races are substantially different, and perhaps the "tuner flavor" of a daily race would have car(s) preselected and user makes a setup for himself.
full post below
Seems like there were too many exploits the way the system was for first week of open-tuning races, so I agree that they are figuring that out before trying to roll it out again.
Perhaps. I tune a lot and indeed found them myself, but didn't think much of it. The PP "cliffs" / "jumps" made sense to me, even though they might've been too exagerrated in relation to
real world effects.
Also, if there were any more daily races than there already are, the lobbies would be too scarce. One could easily argue that the lobbies are already too scarce and I assume that's mostly because PS4 and PS5 players are split
But PS4 and PS5 players are not split. I met my friends (who hava PS4, I have the 5) in the Dailies and Championships. And I don't think there is [dailies] 3x20 + [champ's] 2x20 , perhaps let's triple this == 300 players per region at a time... Feels way too low, that way you'd quickly see names repeating and (for me) that is not the case. Having even 10% of that be tuners would suffice to have the kind of races I propose.
There should at minimum be one race a week with just a hp and weight maximum
As a bare minimum -- yes. And
What I propose is however a more extensive differentiation. I propose to allow tuning in championships -- this might be a see change for Polyphony, because they seem to treat championships as some kind of staging area for their world finals. -- I don't care for this "big game", like -- I don't care at all. I want my game to be more suited to me and what brings me joy. I want to compete with players like me in contests where the relevant skills -- here: preparing your machine several times and
being one with it throughout the season.
Current championships are feeling more like "may the fastest kid win", which -- if you prefer this -- is "just ok".
Ill add to that the funnest week ive had yet was the first week at deep forest with the 295hp restriction there was such a variety of cars to use it was way more fun than the meta races we have now
The "exploits" mentioned in 1st quote to me are "not a bug, they're a feature". Engineering in motorsport strives to find such exploits in real rules, and governing bodies (FIA, IMSA, etc) then react to those exploits by "patching up" the rules.
This should be reflected in the game. The system is how it is, and some operate it better than others. That isn't even an exploit -- that is
excellence. There is no hacking or otherwise corrupting the system. It is finding the
preference of system's creator and -- in a "mystery"-like way -- this is a lot of fun!
However, if they were to ever do that I think PD would quickly learn that the participation in the tuning lobbies would be far lower than that of the non-tuning.
That's generally fine, at least by me. I would rather race 4 people who know their stuff, rather than 20 people out of which 5 are kindergarteners.
So those lobbies will likely always look like the lobbies do now....1-3 A+ up front, a handful of A, then B and sometimes even C drivers all in the same lobbies with qualy times spread out by like 5s or more.
I don't know where you are, but I am in Europe, often playing in morning hours and this is totally unlike what I see in my races. Here dailies are packed with people of same rank.
It's no different in tuning races, it just takes longer to figure out which cars are meta because there's more variables involved [...] Sometimes it's just the track that determines the META, sometimes it's the race settings like tire wear and fuel multipliers but no matter what you do, there will always be a best tool for any job.
That is true. But this is why I specifically mention championships: there the aspect of "best for given job" is diminished, as tracks are mixed. In a tuner championship, you need to
know your way around setups to adapt your car in those 2/3 days. It would feel much more cohesive, unlike the "story" of you being contracted to a manufacturer, but the engineers are lazy bums and won't even change brake balance or damper stiffness for you.
You may also pose a question "what if somebody just takes
teh bezt setoop from YouTube and runs with it?" -- but if you really know your **** you should be able to adapt YOUR car to YOUR driving style and at least have a pleasurable, wholesome race. That guy just got lucky.
Maybe Tuner Dailies should have a car preselected, and the player only makes a setup. This way everybody would have the META and in the intepretation there would be emanation of player's skill.
Ultimately: let's focus on pushing Tuner
Championships for reason listed 3 paragraphs above. Current form is just crappy from my perspective, and I am 100% positive that if I could tweak the dampers/etc then I would have a much better time -- even if that is not the way to battle Hizal and Gallo in the end. 🙄