Photomode problems when using a wheel...

I'm using the Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel in Forza 4, which feels pretty good for racing but is causing me trouble with photomode. Without any analogue sticks, I can't rotate the camera. I can use the wheel to pan left and right, and the pedals to pan up and down, but that's it as far as I can tell.

I tried using a controller, but when I turn it on, it comes up as Controller 2 and doesn't work in the game. I tried turning the wheel off, then turning the controller on, but it still comes up as Controller 2 and won't work.

So is the only way for me to use Photomode to quit the game entirely, turn the wheel off, turn a controller on, then start the game? This seems unnecessarily complicated. Am I being stupid?

I'm using an old shape black Xbox 360 Elite (120 GB).

Sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere.
Hmm...strange. Did you try turning off the wheel and turning on the controller without turning off the console? Because when you turn on a controller, it gets a "slot" (player 1 to 4) and even if you turn all controllers off and turn only one controller on again, it will keep having that slot:

TL;DR version: The controller didn't get the 1st player slot before you turned it on BEFORE turning off the wheel.
Yes I tried turning off the wheel and turning on the controller without turning off the console. I've also tried turning the controller on before turning the wheel off. On each occasion, the controller kept getting assigned to the second slot, even when the wheel was disconnected and unplugged from the mains. As you say, once a controller gets a slot, it always uses that slot (as far as I can tell, until the console is restarted).

I've also tried using a wired controller quite a bit because my battery seems to run out really quickly on my wireless controller. That gives the same problem. If I disconnect the wheel and unplug, then plug the wired controller in, it goes into the second slot (and won't work with the game).

I guess I should try starting the game with the controller, then plugging the wheel in once F4 is running. Worth a try...
Turning wheel off and controller on and vice versa works fine for me,
it wont work if you have turned them both on at the same time since you turned the xbox on though.

From when you turn the xbox on make sure you only have one on at a time.
To properly turn of the wireless wheel, you need to unplug the AC power pack, plug in the normal battery box (under a cover on the right hand side of it) and than turn it on and off properly. You can't actually turn it off if it's got the AC power connected.

p.s By properly turn it off I mean hold the guide button until the turn off controller option pops up.