Pit lane

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here's a good one I got knocked off the track by npcs and got an 8 second penalty. The game isn't broken no not at all. And it is quite offensive to be talked down to. Does everyone report everything?. Can games be glitched on playstation hmm I have played since ps 1 came out and if I had a penny for every glitch I would be a billionaire
The game isn't broken no not at all
No one says the game is perfect - except maybe for Kaz, but I havent read every his statements and dont care to do so.
Its not car contact that causes ingame penalties, but wall contact - its not fair nor fine, but it is what it is.
Knowing that your best bet would be knowing how the AI reacts on every part of the track and avoid repeating the situation that caused your accident? What happens once will happen again.

Besides, why not try to contribute in a meaningful way to your claim instead of now implying to be the single one person who has experienced this bug as you now seemingly have repeated the event?
one I got knocked off the track by npcs and got an 8 second penalty.
Yes, it entirely depends where though. If you end up going significantly off-track (to the inside) even as a result of contact you can get a shortcut penalty ranging from a half-second to... well, more.

This is consistent with observed experiences in GT7.

And it is quite offensive to be talked down to.
I don't know why you've suddenly got this attitude. We're trying to verify what you're saying, and you're acting like your entire existence is being questioned.
Does everyone report everything?. Can games be glitched on playstation hmm I have played since ps 1 came out and if I had a penny for every glitch I would be a billionaire
Yeah, I don't really know what the relevance is of any of this.

As you will spot from my previous message, I attempted to verify your observation of the 45-second pit lane advantage given to the AI and could not. I suspect you've mistaken something on the timings (per your previous post where you confused what the timings show) for something that it isn't.

People make mistakes, especially if they don't know what they're looking at. There's no reason to kick off about it.
I am not kicking off, I am not confused and I am not a liar. Maybe you don't understand Maybe you are wrong. Tell me a game that isn't bugged and doesn't glitch please. Playstation exclusive are among the worst for this I have been a gamer since pong (where you needed a tv with it on). Over 40 years. Why would I make this up? .what benefit would I get. Oh I know I could get called confused or a liar yeah that must be it I thought hmm let's get insulted for telling the truth.
Another great glitch is I am on the racing line doing 105 ish nps overtakes way faster I go up to 108 and get a penalty
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I am not kicking off
Yes, you are:
If I am saying it then it is a fact I am not a child or an idiot take my word for it. IT HAPPENED. Stop talking toffee and ACCEPT IT
I am not confused
Yes, you are:
I am not there are a lot of very strange things in this game the npcs gain time going through chicane areas while I am doing 180 on a straight bit.
The gaps shown are to the same point on the track. If they're gaining time on you going through a chicane, it's because they gained time on you going through a chicane, not compared to you on a straight.

Again, this isn't strange - it's standard in motorsport to compare timings at the same point on the track - and you're mistaken about what is shown.
Tell me a game that isn't bugged and doesn't glitch please.
I'm not sure that I can. I don't know what the relevance is though. Nobody's saying GT7 doesn't have bugs and glitches. We're trying to verify a specific thing you say that you have seen, and at the moment it's not possible to verify - and combined with your confusion about how gaps are shown there is a much simpler explanation: you made a mistake.

People do that.

Why would I make this up? .what benefit would I get.
Nobody has said that you have made it up. Again, I don't know why you're acting this way.
I have been a gamer since pong (where you needed a tv with it on). Over 40 years.
So... the Corvette gets a 45-second boost in the pitlane in GT7 if your first game was Pong in 1973, but not if your first game was Horace Goes Skiing in 1983?
Why would I make this up?
Most commonly this is done because humans prefer to deny their own shortcomings, living with the illusion that something outside fair rules is the reason for not achieving the desired result.

You already have experienced this on license A9 calling it unfair, and just a bit later suddenly you managed to pull it off.
Continue on this: accept that GT7 has its own rules, and once you have adapted to them you will be a better driver and less frustrated player.
Another great one from yesterday npc pits ahead of me lap 6 puts up chequered flag I cross the finishing line to start lap 7 race over I finish 2nd

Yes, you are.

Yes, you are:

I'm not sure that I can. I don't know what the relevance is though. Nobody's saying GT7 doesn't have bugs and glitches. We're trying to verify a specific thing you say that you have seen, and at the moment it's not possible to verify - and combined with your confusion about how gaps are shown there is a much simpler explanation: you made a mistake.

People do that.

Nobody has said that you have made it up. Again, I don't know why you're acting this way.
Yes you are correct you obviously have

Most commonly this is done because humans prefer to deny their own shortcomings, living with the illusion that something outside fair rules is the reason for not achieving the desired result.

You already have experienced this on license A9 calling it unfair, and just a bit later suddenly you managed to pull it off.
Continue on this: accept that GT7 has its own rules, and once you have adapted to them you will be a better driver and less frustrated player.
You may I don't. I am an adult if I am wrong I admit it. Not many people do especially among people under 40.
The game should be retitled the naff all like driving simulator. If gt ever sell cars I am giving up driving as the road will be a nightmare ha ha
Yes you are correct you obviously have
Apparently my mistake was trying to help you. It's amazing how often I make that one.

Here's the Corvette pitting on lap two:


Here's the Corvette as I emerge from the pits one lap later on:


He went from 35 litres to 100, I went from 15 to 95.

Here's my replay so you can look through it on your own console to your heart's content:

Now show yours.
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Apparently my mistake was trying to help you. It's amazing how often I make that one.

Here's the Corvette pitting on lap two:

View attachment 1357370

Here's the Corvette as I emerge from the pits one lap later on:

View attachment 1357371

He went from 35 litres to 100, I went from 15 to 95.

Here's my replay so you can look through it on your own console to your heart's content:

Now show yours.
It is gone maybe you made a mistake and didn't read the post properly ha ha
It is gone maybe you made a mistake and didn't read the post properly ha ha
What is gone? What post?

Again, I don't know why you're acting like this to people trying to help you out.
What is gone? What post?

Again, I don't know why you're acting like this to people trying to help you out.
The race images are gone as I said in an earlier post. I can understand timings. I hate being called a liar when I am not. If you can't accept it happened then don't but stop uttering whiffle. When or if it happens again I will post images and I will be proved right. Not every game runs exactly the same on every console. I am a qualified pc engineer I know software runs differently on same build pc's
The race images are gone as I said in an earlier post.
Nope. They're right there:


I hate being called a liar when I am not.
And, for what seems like the fifth time, literally nobody has said that. I don't know why you're acting like they have (although I firmly suspect why).
If you can't accept it happened then don't but stop uttering whiffle.
And here this attitude is again. You don't like what I'm saying in trying to help you so it's "whiffle" and "toffee". I'm trying to verify what you're saying, getting as much information from you as I can to recreate your observation, and you're just throwing this at me.

It's clear that you have absolutely no idea how split and sector times work - from your own earlier post where you were thoroughly confused about how they work - and you've confused what you've seen for something it isn't.

As a result of being even lightly questioned about it (I suspect you're not used to being questioned at all, just obeyed and believed), you're throwing out insults as quick as you can. And you're claiming to be an adult who can accept when he's wrong!

If you can provide evidence of anything you say (and your console records everything, so there's no reason you can't), I'll unlock this. In the meantime take some time off and grow up.
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