Playseat Trophy

  • Thread starter poptarts-
United States
Arlington, VA
I've been happily using the rebranded Logitech G Playseat Trophy for several months now with the Fanatec CSL DD. My only compliant with the product is the quality of the fabric and the velcro that is used for the seat. I am hoping that someone has alternative suggestions for the seat cover/fabric. The velcro strap continually comes loose during racing and it is very much a pain to fix in place. My first thoughts are to find some kind of velcro strap that can be used to extend it. Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
I would recommend to get rid of it. The issue you've mentioned, was one of the reasons why I've decided to return it. It was also very uncomfortable for me.
If you really like and want to keep it, you could try taping the velcro straps, even stapling or fabric rivet them together to help hold, your milage may vary pending on strengthening method but careful as this could void your warranty.

The design of the Trophy I feel is geared towards occasional than serious everyday use. Velcro will fail, the stitching / fabric around there will also go in time, the various other plastic quick adjusting tabs will go too if they're used regularly (if you're sharing the seat with others in the household). There are plenty of better options out there for the price, or simply build your own and fully customise it to your liking, pending on your handiness and/or OCD level.

Building may cost very little in parts but plenty in time and effort, but you get full customisation and the satisfaction of doing it yourself.
After going through quite few off the shelve rigs; from mid, high-end and fully customised welded one piece, here's an example of my current setup built over a Saturday. I had a bucket seat from another rig but any car seat will do the trick just fine.

Good luck and have fun on the virtual tracks!


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