I think the Xbox Series is a good console, and Game Pass is a good business idea, but where they're losing out is that the PS5 just feels special, new, 'next gen' while the Xbox is almost too user friendly for its own good with a familiar UI, all the perfect backwards compatability, it feels like an incremental improvement and polish while the PS5 feels like an all new thing. Objectively, they're on a par in capability, but I can see why the PS5 is taking quite a significant lead at the moment. People don't want familiar from a new console, they want something exciting and shiny and new and the PS5 presses those buttons more.
I also have issues with the quality of the stuff on Game Pass, I ended up cancelling it because unless you're really into indie walking simulators or first person shooters, I just don't see much on there particular from a racing games perspective.