PlayStation Multiplayer is Free This Weekend with Festival of Play

  • Thread starter Famine
Why not do this year round....why do we (well not me, since I'm not dumb enough to pay) have to pay to play games online when on PS2 and PS3 it was free?
The service and stability didn't get better on PS4/PS5....
Oh well.....makes sense why so many people are in debt. They love giving all there money left and right to these mega billionaire corporations.
You also get the monthly games (and now it has the higher tiers with the large library). Even removing he ones I would never play, the value of the games received is significantly higher than the annual sub.
Why not do this year round....why do we (well not me, since I'm not dumb enough to pay) have to pay to play games online when on PS2 and PS3 it was free?
The service and stability didn't get better on PS4/PS5....
Oh well.....makes sense why so many people are in debt. They love giving all there money left and right to these mega billionaire corporations.
I would argue the service and stability is loads better than it was on PS3.

I do wish it was free though but paying £40 a year is far cheaper than investing in a PC to play online with a bunch of cheaters for free.
Considering I play a lot of games, I love the monthly titles but I get for those who just play one or two games a year, paying For multiplayer is a big ask
For those like me who hardly download free games, dirt5 was the only one since I got PS plus, I also consider it an exaggeration to pay to play online. I hope gt8 can be the first game to bring online play included
Had a try playing online but the stupid PS+ subscription window still pops on me. What the hell is it about? It's supposed to be free this weekend. An explanation, please.
"There’s another chance to enjoy the multiplayer portions of your PlayStation games without subscribing"
If you want a pure gaming experience just dust off your old PS2 and play, this is from a time when the
the gaming industry wasn't just a license to print money.
Whatever happened to buying a game and just playing it in its entirety?