PlayStation Plus Extra / Premium, will you be buying?

  • Thread starter Nismonath5

Will you be buying the Extra or Premium tier PS+?

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New Zealand
South Auckland, New Zealand
Playstation users! The new three-tier PS Plus model is out now, question is will you be upgrading from your current Essentials subscription?

I for one have upgraded to Premium, only because you can do so for the rest of 2022 at a heavily discounted price.

The list of included games is certainly phenomenal, and the classics collection is nice but I thought there would be more PS1 / PS2 titles in there.

Honestly, as nice as it is being able to play Ape Escape and Tekken 2 (in a VERY CLEAN emulation, I might add), I can't justify forking out double the price annually, so I'm probably going to go back to the Essential tier next year.

What about you guys?
I want to, but it's not for me, not yet. I'm really interested in the classic games coming through on this service, and it is currently the weakest part of it. When/if that range of games gets expanded upon I may jump in then.
As of now, I'm not planning on it. I still have a PS+ card sitting somewhere. I don't have the time to get good value out of it.

I'll need to see what games will be on it in the future.
I was going to buy Returnal but it was cheaper to upgrade my subscription. Now I got Returnal and a few other ones downloaded to try out.

I need to see more new releases if they want me to renew it next year.
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I've always wanted to try Returnal and Demon Souls to see what all the fuss is about but the difficulty has always put me off.

I will try the extra tier to play these 2 games (and hopefully finish them) within 1 month and then cancel the sub.

Not a fan of subscription models personally but £11 to try out 2 games seems fair enough I guess.
I thought the classics lineup would be a little stronger so I am sticking with the essentials.
Yeah I agree, I thought "classics" would mean more of a retro content lineup, PS2 and PS1 titles, not Borderlands. Or The Last Of Us.

Ape Escape and Tekken 2 are more like it though!
There was no option for my choice as in April I got lucky in purchasing 2 years worth of Playstation Now for the going price at that time ($60 USD) which converted into the highest tier PS+ starting at the beginning of June.
Upgraded to the top tier for the remainded of my sub - £20 until November seems a good deal, especially as CAT GAME is included.

I downloaded ACC for now, let's see how bad I am at a proper sim, on a controller. Wish me luck.
I upgraded the 1st day I was able to so I could start RDR2. Since then I've been mopping up the last few gigs in Cyberpunk 2077 on my Xbox instead. I'm an idiot.
I have to say the catalog of games is quite large. However, espescialy the classics I find lacking. Ps1 and Ps2 games are quite few in numbers. I really hope they will add a lot more games, but for now I don’t hold my breath. I guess we will not be able to play ridge racer games, tekken 3, Metal gear solid, or legacy of kain soul reaver at all.

Playing The Darkness (ps3) does bring good memories though…
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Premium hasn't been worth it so far. I was expecting far more, there's barely anything new. It was cheap to upgrade my existing sub to try it out, but I think I'm sticking with just extra for now.
Will be dropping down to Extra when my sub is up for renewal next month. No time to stream all the old PS3 games and you still get the newer games catalogue on the middle tier.
Haven't bought PS+ , won't be buying PS+ 🤣 Really have zero interest in multiplayer these days and with the lack of time my library rarely adds new stuff.
I have the highest tier only cause a few years ago i bought a year of ps now by mistake and so before the changed happen with the service i renewed the code which gave me a year of ps premium till june 5 2023 i think.

But i don't think i'll be renewing that tier since its to much money i'll just renew essential for the cloud save.