Pro Race Driver (Toca Race Driver in the UK)

  • Thread starter FuryX21
Today I was at Best Buy browsing through the PS2 games when I was suprised to see this game. I had heard about it before: It was originally supposed to come out some time around May but got delayed multiple times, so much to the point where I eventually lost track of when it was coming out. I almost got it, but decided not to because I didn't want to take the chance of spending $50 on a game that I may be into at first but lose interest in once I completed it. So now I'm asking for anyone that has or has played this game for their opinions on it, how does it compare to GT3, and would they recommend it as a purchase or a rental.
Have a search through the forums - there was a lot of discussion on this title.

I was personally expecting a lot after TOCA and TOCA 2 from these guys, but was pretty disappointed with this on the PS2.

The PC version is out shortly and it will be interesting to see if it's an improvement.
Yep, there were a few threads on it...But get the PC version when it comes out Fury, because of the more cars on the track and way better features...but only if you have a pc that can run it well ;).
I got it for christmas and despite the mass majority of disappointment, I love it! Great game, takes a while to get used to but it's definatly a game for fans of the older toca on psx. IMO the graphics aren't as bad as everyone says, but that's not what this game was ever about to me anyways. The damage and the ai is what makes this game fun and I've always enjoyed watching the real races on tv. My advice is rent it, if you really like it buy it. But, don't expect too much unless you've enjoyed the older games in the series.

I'll still be getting the PC version but not until I get a better PC next year.
Thanks for the input guys. I had pretty much made up my mind that I would rent it instead, and tonight I went out to 2 Blockbusters in an attempt to find it. Of course, neither did. Almost ended up renting Burnout 2 instead, but changed my mind at the last minute.

Heh, I would love to buy the PC versions of all multi-platform games, but unfortunately the computer I am working with doesn't exactly have the necessary hardware to support any new game to make it run smoothly. Not to mention the poor visual quality and the total lack of sound........
Then maybe you should get the version for consoles if your computer doesn't have the "latest" technology. Myn doesn't either, that's why i probably won't be getting the pc version, but of course rent it in the stores before you buy it.
Well, that's a nice comment. I think this should be my next reviewed game. Expect to see it some time by 24 hours from now :)