Problem with my wheel

  • Thread starter Gamer_Kid
Ok about 2 months ago I purchased a Madcatz MC2 Universal wheel from our local Wal-Mart.When I first got it I plugged it into my xbox and was playin NFSU:2 for awhile. Then i thought about playing GT4,So i unplugged it from the xbox and plugged it into the PS2 and nothing. I called my cousin up to bring his PS2 over to try it on there. We plugged it in and it worked so I figured it was something with my PS2. I have one of the old big PS2s (not sure which version). But lately I noticed that my vibration is not working on my ps2. So I am sure that is the problem. Anyone know where on the controller port the vibration plug is. Hit me back if you know what it could be or know how to fix it.

OK I went and bought a new slim PS2 and it is working fine. Im guessing it was the fuse in the PS2 for the vibration feedback