PS4 Pro or Xbox One X? Please help

  • Thread starter slthree
United States
Fact Central Florida
I would like to get this game for my son-in-law as a gift. He just had an emergency appendectomy and will be home for a couple of weeks before he gets back to work

He plays racing games with a controller He does not use a wheel. He has both a PS4 Pro and an Xbox one X.

I was under the impression that the game looked a little better on the PS4 Pro but I'd like to hear from you guys before I make this purchase.
Xbox is better for racing games in general as the controller supports Impulse Triggers, that lets a player feel the rumble in the triggers themselves which really makes the driving experience fun to play. Project CARS 3 supports this feature.

Might be a bigger online population on PS4 though.
I would like to get this game for my son-in-law as a gift. He just had an emergency appendectomy and will be home for a couple of weeks before he gets back to work

He plays racing games with a controller He does not use a wheel. He has both a PS4 Pro and an Xbox one X.

I was under the impression that the game looked a little better on the PS4 Pro but I'd like to hear from you guys before I make this purchase.
I think it should look better on Xbox because of higher specs.
I would like to get this game for my son-in-law as a gift. He just had an emergency appendectomy and will be home for a couple of weeks before he gets back to work

He plays racing games with a controller He does not use a wheel. He has both a PS4 Pro and an Xbox one X.

I was under the impression that the game looked a little better on the PS4 Pro but I'd like to hear from you guys before I make this purchase.

No it really doesn't look that hot on ps4 pro.

Its a really ugly game even on ps4 pro to the point i have pretty much lost all interest in continuing to play it.

Yes the 🤬 graphics of this game i made me lose interest in continuing to play it that is something that as never happen in my video game
Thank you for the very quickly replies gentleman! It is much appreciated

Not only did I buy him the Deluxe Version of the game but I bought another Deluxe Version for me on Xbox One X so I could play with him when he gets time

They have taken me for $300 on this darn game! LOL it doesn't bother me because I would like to support as many racing games as I can.

I originally bought the PS4 Pro version so I could play with @IfAndOr and @Sick Cylinder in the event they ever get the game

Now, I have 2 different communities that I can play with, if anyone wants to include me. I'm really slow but I'm polite and I follow racing etiquette. Anyone who needs a good back marker, hit me up! My name on this site is the same as my tag on PS4 and the same as my tag on Xbox

Yes the 🤬 graphics of this game i made me lose interest in continuing to play it that is something that as never happen in my video game

I understand that you say that and I know that most people agree with you so I'm not dismissing it because it's obviously a real problem.

But, there must be something wrong with me because I find the graphics to be just fine. For some reason I think the game looks great oh, maybe a little bit cartoonish, but still I have no problems with it.

That said, I've never been that interested in the graphics of a game The way I am the gameplay.
Thank you for the very quickly replies gentleman! It is much appreciated

Not only did I buy him the Deluxe Version of the game but I bought another Deluxe Version for me on Xbox One X so I could play with him when he gets time

They have taken me for $300 on this darn game! LOL it doesn't bother me because I would like to support as many racing games as I can.

I originally bought the PS4 Pro version so I could play with @IfAndOr and @Sick Cylinder in the event they ever get the game

Now, I have 2 different communities that I can play with, if anyone wants to include me. I'm really slow but I'm polite and I follow racing etiquette. Anyone who needs a good back marker, hit me up! My name on this site is the same as my tag on PS4 and the same as my tag on Xbox

I understand that you say that and I know that most people agree with you so I'm not dismissing it because it's obviously a real problem.

But, there must be something wrong with me because I find the graphics to be just fine. For some reason I think the game looks great oh, maybe a little bit cartoonish, but still I have no problems with it.

That said, I've never been that interested in the graphics of a game The way I am the gameplay.
I'm not one to not play a game cause of graphics cause at the moment i'm playing one of my favorite games ever on my ps2 on my 4k tv. First time playing my ps2 since 2012 and the way it looks via this rca hdmi converter doesn't brother me cause it still looks better then pcars 3 :crazy:

Gameplay always comes first but not when the grpaihcs are as 🤬 as they are in pcars 3 graphics that bad kill my overall enjoyment of a game including gameplay for that game.
I'm not one to not play a game cause of graphics cause at the moment i'm playing one of my favorite games ever on my ps2 on my 4k tv. First time playing my ps2 since 2012 and the way it looks via this rca hdmi converter doesn't brother me cause it still looks better then pcars 3 :crazy:

Gameplay always comes first but not when the grpaihcs are as 🤬 as they are in pcars 3 graphics that bad kill my overall enjoyment of a game including gameplay for that game.

I hate to hear that brotha! I know how much you love PC2 and how many hours you put in to that game.

I wish you could get the same enjoyment from this one
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In terms of graphics, I tried it on the PC. The cars looked pretty good and the track looked pretty good in race though I was a bit distracted by the bad handling. The stands look really poor lots of flickering and the still images while the race is loading look worse than I would expect on any ps3 or xbox 360 game.
Game works well with controller. I am a wheel user but I like this game on controller
Went to try multiplayer lobby either yesterday or the day before, can't remember.

After qualifying and being a little nervous the race contains only two other drivers than me
Went to try multiplayer lobby either yesterday or the day before, can't remember.

After qualifying and being a little nervous the race contains only two other drivers than me
If you want to play on Mondays (European evening times) on Xbox, I'm happy to have you in my lobbies :)

Timezones might make that tricky though but I'm always up for more players.
If you want to play on Mondays (European evening times) on Xbox, I'm happy to have you in my lobbies :)

Timezones might make that tricky though but I'm always up for more players.
I would love to join. Do I need to friend you to do that?
Xbox is better for racing games in general as the controller supports Impulse Triggers, that lets a player feel the rumble in the triggers themselves which really makes the driving experience fun to play. Project CARS 3 supports this feature.

Might be a bigger online population on PS4 though.
I buyed PC in summer sales of PS, online is practically dead, 2 or 3 players in a quick race or the the races "emulating" GT Sport daily races.

Best of the game for me personally is the "rivals mode" without any doubt.

Sure, game is quite good on controller, but I would recommend GT Sport before this one
It offer pitstops, tyre degradation, better graphics and details, and big and strong online community.
Controller implementation is also better on GT Sport.

"Pcars" 3 give some fun, but it's really arcady game, even GT Sport has a higher simulation level.

For 30€ with all the DLC packs , it's fun, don't get me wrong, but GT Sport is way more solid and online it's directly a no brainer.

On Xbox consoles I don't know, but pretty sure that Forza 7 Motorsport and Forza horizon games has more to offer to Microsoft users and with better online community.

I was really surprised to see how dead Pcars 3 is on PS, and career mode , I've tried, but it's really boring for me personally, liked more even the pcars 1&2 career modes even without needing to buy and upgrade cars