Question about PS5 10$ upgrade - From physical to digital

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi ! Since my PS5 fat happened to burn the TDP2001DDGK usb-c voltage regulator chip and can´t use PSVR2 on that console I got myself a PS5 PRO and the disk drive.

I have been playing GT7 on PS5 since launch by upgrading the GT7 PS4 disk with the 10$ upgrade from the PS Store. Also played already GT7 PS5 version on the PRO, with the PS4 disk on the drive.

The question I have (and I have searched, but my brain isn´t good enough) is, If I buy NOW the digital PS4 version, does the 10$ upgrade that I already bought works with it ?

There is a sale on PS Store and on the PS APP I can select either PS4 or PS5 version and there´s 10$ difference with them. If I buy the PS4 version from the PS APP would that 10$ upgrade bought 2y ago allow me to play the PS5 version so I don´t have to use the disk anymore and just store it?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.