Restarting GTA3

  • Thread starter vat_man


Staff Emeritus
Anyone else here restarted GTA3?

I completed 'The Exchange' a couple of weeks ago, and finished the D-Ice missions, but have now restarted the game, with guides in hand, with an eye to fully completing EVERYTHING - already got all the secret packages at Portland, done all the Unique Jumps at Portland, got the two Police Bribes, got the Borgnine Taxi, and got the Ambulance up to level eight (level 12 will be mine!!).

So my 'to do' list is:
- get what emergency vehicles I can for the emergency vehicle crane
- get what vehicles I can for the Import/Export garage
- get level 12 on the Paramedic mission
- do a heap of fire missions
- do all the rampages

...and then I can actually start the missions proper!

Anyone else doing this?
Originally posted by GTS-R_MAN
i never knew how to use the crane i cant pull the emergency vehicles to pull up its impossiple!

I'm a little confused by your phrasing as to where the problem is but I'll try to help.

If it's actually getting the crane to work, it's the one down past the Import/Export garage at Portland next to the boat that ISN'T the Colombian. Park in the yellow striped area and the magnet crane should pick up the vehicle.

All the vehicles except the FBI car and the tank are pretty easy to come by. I pinch police cars all the time (the one at Staunton Island's always unlocked, plus the Enforcer truck's available there in the locked area), and the fire truck and ambulance are easily taken.

The best strategy to get the FBI car and the tank is to ensure you get the six police bribes by running 20 police missions on each of the islands, plus also run the fire truck missions (again 20 on each island) to get the flame thrower. Also grab enough hidden packages to get the AK47 and the Armour. Try to run enough ambulance missions to get the health top up as well. Probably worth a visit to the 'hoes' to get 125 health, too.

Head to your Staunton Island hideout and stock up on weapons. Head to the top of the hill and attract police attention (couple of molotovs into the crowd usually works a treat). Shoot cops and pedestrians to get five stars (ensure you top up your armour and health if you take hits).

Once you get to five stars, run down the hill towards the police bribes. When the FBI follow you down, use the flamethrower to toast the agents before they shoot you (but not enough to wreck the car!) and quickly run through the bribes.

You will fail a couple of times but it will work. The moment you grab it, take it over to the emergency crane CAREFULLY as it will probably be badly damaged.

Follow the same strategy for the tank - the tank is a lot harder, mainly because of the need to survive the FBI, but if you create a big enough jam at the entrance to your hideout you should be okay. It's tough, but the reward is definitely worth it - and be super careful heading back to the crane, as you blow up every vehicle you touch.
I restarted, but I got to Staunton and realised how lazy I was - I've been 38% or so for about three months. :D
Yeah I just restarted twice. I was at 99% with one rampage left and I accidentally saved over my game. Don't drink & play, kids.

So I restarted and picked my way thru the game again, getting all the extras & side missions on each island before starting the story missions. Then I got to the third island and was kicked in the crotch by the 'Purple Nines' bug, which makes it impossible to do any of the D-Ice missions.

I started over again, but all I've done so far are the ambulance missions. Do them on Portland, btw...

Also, the tank and FBI car can be picked up during the normal course of the game. The tank at the army guy's place unlocks after you finish 'The Exchange'. The FBI car can be picked up in the mission where you pick packages out of the water as the plane drops them. You'll have five stars when you get back to land, have a fast car parked near Asuka's docks, then burn up the street & behind the carpark to the Pay & Spray. Make sure one or two FBI cars are close before you pull into the bay, and when you come out you should be able to jack one. You can fix it up by parking it in your garage, then just take it to the crane in Portland.
Good advice - but I want that tank for 'The Exchange' - makes it easier.

It's more fun driving around in a tank you earned, too!
Hey, that's another thing. You know what made The Exchange easy for me? Make sure you've found your 100 packages, take a fast car to the mansion, then whip down the hill to your hideout & load up on guns. With a full sniper rifle, assault rifle, and M16 you can just walk right thru those Columbians. And hey, I earn my tank by not using one to do The Exchange! :D
I had to restart from about 40% cause I put on the riot code...

Now I'm at 60 someodd % and at all 3 islands, I have some missions left on Stauton and all of the ones on Shoreside, with 95 packages(I can't figure out the 5 I'm missing...I'll get the guide and go through all of them 1 by 1).

And what is the 'Purple Nines' bug?
Second time through the game, the D-Ice missions won't work due to that bug. I've explained it at least 20 times on GameFAQ's, so I'm tired of it though!
Two ways.

First, get the tank and flying cars cheat when you're first in Portland and fly to Shoreside. If there's no purple hoods, the bug's in play. Restart!

Or, look around once you get to Shoreside. If there's no purple hoods, damn! You've got 30+ percent and you've got to restart (unless you're okay with not getting 100%).
cool, I don't have the bug! Plenty of the guys around my place. They are mean! I pointed a gun at one, and he said "Hey easy, easy" so then I was just going to leave him alone and he shot me several then I got into a car and smashed him.
Sure enough my restarted game has the bug. My original one didn't, and I really don't feel like going back and doing the rampages again (especially now some of the gangs really hate me).