That really wasn't much of a coup from what I remember.
He captured freaking city and than headed to Moscow, take down bunch birds in process. How its not a coup? He was scared and stopped, but every analytics saying he could reach Moscow and take it without fight. No way he could take control, but that could being turning point.
Prigozhin putting on a show to save his own arse
Guess it was a plan at first, when they captured Rostov. To overthrown Shoigu. When his card not played, he made new stake.
If even people in powerful positions are that toothless and/or uncaring, that's on your system.
How do you think autocracy working? Leader systematically killing institutions that balancing him. Why would 12 y/o Putins system doing something against him?
Russians aren't a race of people
IDK, google what racism means. When someone says that Russians are bad at something because of their ethnicity its racism. And if he continues doing it, I don't see any reason to argue with him.
A few arrests will halt anything.
You saying nonsense. 35% of those who was on last protests were arrested. Thousands.
it would not have been because of the sanctions
War started, Europe treating with sanctions, everyone buying oil and gas why they can, prices skyrocketing and everyone buying Russian goods while they can. Oil sanctions starting working in 2023 when big profit already in Moscow and transits redirected.
Its obviously not like Europe sanctioning something and its automatically becoming more profitable, but whole process of how sanctions were done are beneficial for regime.
In the end, everyone buying eachother goods with a tax, but somehow taxes aren't in pockets of EU that supplying Ukraine, but in Turkey, China, India and other countries.