Saving decals to PC?

  • Thread starter Stumps_GTI


Hey guys, just wondering, is it possible to save our custom decals to a home PC?

Odd request, but I have some decals which I have uploaded and have them in a file "in game" for my use.
A good friend uses several cars I made up for him, through the share function in game, he liked and downloaded my design.

My friend also builds model cars. He would like the files I had made, made available for him to turn them into water-slide decals.
I've been and signed into the PS network, but it still only allows saving as an SVG file, or a whole web-page. :guilty:

Does anyone know of a way to save a decal as something that could be printed out? J-peg or similar??

Cheers guys 👍
Assuming you are on PC (although pretty sure you could do something similar on mobile).
Open the decal in a browser.. right click on the image and then select an option to open the image in a new tab (direct to the image).
Then change the end of the url from 1.png to 0.svg

So, example:
GT page:
Direct to image:

Then in the SVG, right click and Save As.

Use only for own decals! Don't steal other people's work!
But if you made those decals, you should be able to send them to your friend directly?

0r am i missing a point here?
Thanks so much pioSko and p78 :cheers:
Definitely applicable to decals of my own, no intention of steeling others work.
In the model world, most liveries and decals can be sourced from many locations...these that I'm after are logos for my friends business.

p78, mate no, you haven't missed the point, all good.
I've never had the skills to make my own SVG's and have relied on the wonderful help from guys here on this forum.
So even when I classify them as "my decals", they have been made by some good friends right here. :)

Cheers guys. :cheers::bowdown:
