Scrolling/selection broken on mobile Safari

  • Thread starter baldgye
Sorry if this is a known issue I did have a gander before posting but couldn’t see anything.

Issuing Safari on iPhone X with iOS 11.4.

When making a long post with links, jumping between tabs copy and pasting text, sometimes the page will not allow you to scroll in either direction, so either you can’t scroll up to the code/text editor or you can’t scroll down and the text your writing becomes hidden behind the on screen keyboard.
Also when making smaller posts but again with links, sometimes you cannot select text of peoples posts to quote them.

I think it’s more an issue with Safari, but I’ve not experienced this on any other site
Is there any particular thread or post which gives you problems?

I have an iPhone X myself and have not experienced this; I just tried editing a very large post now and did not run into any issues.

Note that if you're editing or trying to do a lot in a thread that has very large images, things can get ugly, even on very powerful devices like the X.
Is there any particular thread or post which gives you problems?

I have an iPhone X myself and have not experienced this; I just tried editing a very large post now and did not run into any issues.

Note that if you're editing or trying to do a lot in a thread that has very large images, things can get ugly, even on very powerful devices like the X.

It's only happened to me in the Brexit thread, but that's mostly because that's the one where I post long, ranting posts with quotes and links etc.
It seems to 'lock' the page in the text box area, so I'm not sure if it's a conflict with that and Safari and just having lots of data in the text box or not? I would test it on other phones but the X is the only one I have :P
This is something I’m suffering from as well, and my phone is an iPhone 7.

Whenever my post is too long to fit the entire screen, when I try to scroll upwards to the text editor or downwards to the rest of my post, the phone’s screen just flashes between different sections of my post and is stuck at that particular part, and this is persistent even after I’ve closed the on-screen keyboard. I’m using Safari as well. I’m using the latest version of iOS, if it helps.
After further investigation, I found I was able to recreate this bug. It is triggered when you select text in the edit box and then try to scroll away from that point, thus making the effect more apparent on longer posts.

I was able to replicate it on any large text field on any website, which indicates this is a Mobile Safari rendering bug on iOS and there is no way for me to fix it. Hopefully it gets resolved in future updates or iOS 12.
After further investigation, I found I was able to recreate this bug. It is triggered when you select text in the edit box and then try to scroll away from that point, thus making the effect more apparent on longer posts.

I was able to replicate it on any large text field on any website, which indicates this is a Mobile Safari rendering bug on iOS and there is no way for me to fix it. Hopefully it gets resolved in future updates or iOS 12.
Cheers mate, I’m not overly surprised it’s a bug with Safari :lol:

Let’s hope Apple can put together a stable OS in iOS 12!

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