Seasonal events time trial freezing...

  • Thread starter Gumuz
Is anyone else experiencing problems on the seasonal events time trial one? For the last 2-3 times every time i come to completing a lap on the Rome circuit the game just freezes up, luckily i haven't put a decent lap time when it happens.
I was getting a slight pause now and then when the ghost crossed the finishing line. I've just updated to 2.04 and now the console completely freezes every time the ghost crosses the line and I have to restart the console.
I got the freeze up in the B-Spec 400PP Circuito de Madrid - Mini /5 Laps. First time I did the event I got lots of long delays after races, the next day after trying to exit event I got a complete hang-up and had to exit GT5 with PS button and lost lots of B-Spex XP and $$.