Second and 4th Party Games


Seems like a lot of talk you hear is around Indy, First Party and Third Party games. But, what about the second and 4th party games.


1st Party game - A game developed by the console maker itself. Mario would be an example of this. The Gran Turismo series...kinda is a first party game and kinda a second party game.

2nd Party game - a game that's produced by the console maker but they have to real part in the development. The Halo games, Forza games, and Gran Turismo series to an extent are all 2nd party games.

3rd Party game - A game produced by an outside developer. There are two types of these: 3rd Party Exclusives (Infamous, Uncharted and Gears of War) and normal non-exclusive titles like Madden.

4th Party game - A game that's produced by an outside company, but developed by a subsidiary company. Blur, Mass Effect/Dragon Age, Burnout Paradise, Boarderlands/Bioshock are good examples of these.

Now, it seems to me that the 2nd and 4th party games tend to be the most successful. Or most consistently successful. 1st and 3rd party games are usually hit and miss in terms of success. I mean, Sony, MS and Nintendo have all release really crappy games. And so have all the developers. so...

what do you guys think.