Should there be a 5th GTPlanet Championship

  • Thread starter DonkeyFuzz

Would you be interested in taking part in the 5th GTPlanet World Championship?

  • Yes - I am interested

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No - I am not interested

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
United Kingdom
Hertfordshire, UK
Hi guys, after recently competing in the 4th GTPlanet Cahmpionship, we were all wondering if we should do another one. Fishfash mentioned a poll so I've put one together to see if anyone would be interested in taking part in the final championship for F1:CE.:)

Can I just say I would be more than happy to run/organise this championship.
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I think a final championship on F1CE would be great. NEV i'm sure you would do a great job running it. I have suggested we maybe do 2 x 10 laps races per week, so then we would be finished in time for the new game. Also i think a shorter format would be more fun and keep people interested :)
I like your thinking MadAd. The only problem I have with it is that some people might not be able to make 2 races a week. I thought, (I don't know what you think) we could do what has always been the GTP tradition but overlap it with F1 2010 to keep the spirit of F1:CE alive.
True but i think i would rather unwrap F12010 and focus on that rather than switching between the 2 games. But my thinking was 2 x 10 lap races is the equivilent of 1 x 20 lap race. I know there will be a small gap between the 2 races but near enough the same. So as long as everyone can still make 11pm i can't see a problem.
I okay, I see more where your coming from now. So Bahrain and Malyasia in 1 night each race lasting 10 laps then a 2 races the next friday. I like your thinking.
I think if i was to make Red Bull up again and bring Ginty in as my team mate for a 3rd season i would start a hour early 10pm and have two race of 20laps.
SMK, all I showed was an interest in F1MadAd's idea but I like Kings idea as well as there has never been a race less than 20 laps but considering he also thinks he could make it an hour earlier then I think 2 20 lap races starting at 10:00pm sounds like the best bet.
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Wow, no offense, but you can be a bit of a mood killer SMK xD.

People seem to forget this is about FUN :D. The Championship gets closer and closer EVERY time, so why not just have one all out Championship until F1 2010 comes out. I don't care how many races I have to do in one night, i'm in :) I need to prove that I am a race winner as well xD....again lol.

Plus, having 2 races in one night, means you have to practice both during the week, possibly making it even more competitive, be it 10 or 20 laps.

Anyways, count me in once again as Brawn-GP's number 1 driver :D
Okay, the table I've created seems to be going well, Kak your with Brawn and anyone want to be my team mate?
Well i need a team mate that turns up every race lol (no offence PJ), i think we cud make a very strong team NEV what you reckon?
Well, summer is just around the corner, so I wouldn't really be missing any races. But can we turn collisions back on? To make things interesting and make races rely on not only pace, but staying out of the way of everyone else. Hopefully with some new rules about hitting other drivers, or overtaking, we can sort out problems we had in the 3rd championship. And does anyone like turning off all driving aids? No more stability control and traction control on minimum?

So, any team offers? F1MadAd? I'm sure you must be mad at me for missing most of the season.
I would be interested of course again, but I can't do any earlier. I'd be ok with other nights though at the moment.
The 2x10 lap races idea sounds good too.

No collisions thanks, we had a great championship without them and F1:CE has terrible lag and collision detection so its impossible to race close. No point in bringing back the arguments again.

Could we maybe have a play around with the teams and perhaps randomise them or something? Otherwise we could easily get drivers like fishfash and Kak once again forming the "dream teams" while the rest of the teams end up nowhere. I don't demand this but maybe something to consider?
The main problem with crashing last time was because people would hit others, and not think that they did and continue on, because after overtaking, they wouldn't look back and see what happened, or check the dot of the person you just passed. If we just make it a rule this time, we should have less problems. And also that turn one almost always had an incident.

We need something to spice up the racing, instead of having total dominance of one person. I wouldn't mind turning off all aids in races, but there's no way to make sure everyone does, so it would rely on honesty of competitors.

Another thing I would suggest is turning of f the corner cutting penalty? It really stabs you in the back unfairly sometimes, like Indy last year, Kak got stuck on top of me in turn one on the grass, he respawned, I crawled back on track and got a hefty penalty. Or France last year, I spun and rolled onto the inside grass of a corner and got a hefty penalty for it, which cost me 2nd place. The rule is 2 wheels on track at all times, this game has some invisible line on every corner that applies the penalty whenever the car goes past it, 2 wheels or not.

So, F1MadAd isn't interested, Ardius, want to be my teammate?
I agree with Ardius. We should mix up the teams. Possibly even by ability level? The fastest driver goes with the slowest driver. Or something like that anyway.

I'm not sure about collisions on/off, it's a touchy subject, but I don't mind either way tbh. But I do agree that maybe we do need something that may mix up the pecking order.
We don't need to do anything about teams, except banning fishfash and Kakundoo from being on the same team :lol:
Me and Gyles were a pretty damn good team xD, although we would have been a hell of a lot better had I been there the whole time lol.

And if Me and Gyles can't be on the same team, surely that should go for F1MadAd and Nev. It'd pretty much be the same result lol.
I think we should maybe have a random draw for who partners who with two people deciding what numbers people are and someone picking numbers. We could all meet one night online and make a chat room and go from there with the draw.
The main problem with crashing last time was because people would hit others, and not think that they did and continue on, because after overtaking, they wouldn't look back and see what happened, or check the dot of the person you just passed. If we just make it a rule this time, we should have less problems. And also that turn one almost always had an incident.

We need something to spice up the racing, instead of having total dominance of one person. I wouldn't mind turning off all aids in races, but there's no way to make sure everyone does, so it would rely on honesty of competitors.

Another thing I would suggest is turning of f the corner cutting penalty? It really stabs you in the back unfairly sometimes, like Indy last year, Kak got stuck on top of me in turn one on the grass, he respawned, I crawled back on track and got a hefty penalty. Or France last year, I spun and rolled onto the inside grass of a corner and got a hefty penalty for it, which cost me 2nd place. The rule is 2 wheels on track at all times, this game has some invisible line on every corner that applies the penalty whenever the car goes past it, 2 wheels or not.

So, F1MadAd isn't interested, Ardius, want to be my teammate?

Exactly, so collisions on would be bad 💡. We did have it as a rule before that people should wait, problem is, it never looks like you have hit the other person because of the visual lag so people don't always notice. Its impossible to enforce such rules and we had sooo many arguments before. It just isn't worth it.

Again, penalties should be left on, this ensures no one cheats even if people are trusted here. I don't think many penalties are that hard to avoid, the really annoying ones you should learn to avoid anyway, like for example, taking the chicane at Australia slower to avoid that penalty. If you want to run fast, then thats the risk you take getting a penalty.
We don't completely run to GTP WRS rules, we do in principle but for this game I think the penalty system does a good enough job.