Thanks Going to keep that in mind! If I did that, the Porsche would probably much sharper.. I kinda know how to use the in game camera but I can always use the tips, I don't shoot alot of photos in game.
I'll try to update tomorrow.
Also, whats the average shutter speed that you use?
Ghost recon.. yeah I was so stuck on that. To be honest, if it wasnt for me buying Forza again I would still be on that everyday. I havnt put it in since I got forza though lol.
Ok, I'll try to do a write up in a few hours. Currently watching a boring movie with my gf and a friend lol. He bought beers so I let him pick, bad idea.What you said, around 10 to 20.. Maybe it's the computerscreen at my work here, it's not the greatest A tutorial is always welcome though
You hardly play so you dont know alot about the game mechanics, so thats understandable. If you ever want to play that let me know, I still love it, its just that Forza is taking over my Xbox right now lol. I have a few things that should be able to help you out on there aswellI think if I didn't had Forza, I would be playing GR alot more too.. Or maybe it's because I lose my patience and do stupid n00b things and get killed over and over....
Ok, I'll try to do a write up in a few hours. Currently watching a boring movie with my gf and a friend lol. He bought beers so I let him pick, bad idea.
You hardly play so you dont know alot about the game mechanics, so thats understandable. If you ever want to play that let me know, I still love it, its just that Forza is taking over my Xbox right now lol. I have a few things that should be able to help you out on there aswell