Steve's GT Tune Database

After a bit of work and refinement I've decided this is ready to go.

So what is the GT Tune Database? Quite simply, it is a way for the tuning community to keep things organized and easy to read. Anyone can submit a tune and everything will be organized into a readable, noob-friendly layout that is still accessible for veterans who just want to get to the numbers.

The pic below shows a tune I submitted just for the pic; I removed it since it doesn't belong to me. So try it out, submit some data, and have fun. It works on my Galaxy S3, so try it out on your phone! Submitting a tune doesn't work great on a smartphone, but I'm working on it.

Check it out here:

Its a free host for now because I don't have the cash to buy hosting, and I don't want to cover the site with ads. Please be forgiving if it runs a little slow at times.

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