Suggestion for a different reward system that is more balanced and fair

  • Thread starter Jee-Pee
Hello fellow racers,

After the changes to the rewards, I wanted to check a couple things and I made a list of every race in the game (excluding championships) and tried to see how big of a rewards do you get per km (yes not miles) driven.

The excel file can be found here:!AmkMSz8vPhZ8h7IhAsyfMortlWasEQ?e=FxnYHh

I mapped the following items:
  • Race
  • Circuit
  • # Laps
  • PP
  • Suggested PP
  • # Credits

With this information I calculated the total length of the race together with the amount of Cr you get per km driven. The amount of times you should run the race to gather 20M Cr and the amount of Cr you get per km per (suggested) pp of the car.

If you then look at the data, you will see that as we know the rally races yield the most Cr/km driven. Even the Pickup Truck Race in Colorado Springs - Lake has the highest Cr/km/pp. You could look at the pp as the difficulty of the race (I know it's not correct).

On average you are getting 2.5 Cr/km/pp from all the races. The highest almost has 8 Cr/km/pp. If PD would average it out to 3 Cr/km/pp across all races you will get a better reward for the distance driven. This is just a suggestion off course but it shows that the game should not be a grind fest of 1 single race and that with a better reward system you can race any race you like with any type car you like and get an equal reward for your effort.

I wanted to do this calculation with the time it takes to complete the races, but I don't have that information.

A better algorithm can surely be used, taking into account using overpowered cars in No PP Limit races should yield a lower reward.

What do you guys think? Do we have a way of suggesting something like this toward PD to open their eyes? :-)

You could see it as a rant or as constructive feedback towards the reward system currently in place.

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